List of official DOD abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms which encompass the joint activity of the Armed Forces of the United States. This list is approved Department of Defense (DOD) terminology for general use by all DOD components.
Official DOD Shortened Word Forms
A | |
A&P | analysis and production |
A1 | director of manpower, personnel, and services (USAF) |
A2 | antiaccess |
A-2 | intelligence staff officer (USAF) |
A-3 | operations directorate (COMAFFOR staff); operations staff officer (USAF) |
A4 | director of logistics, engineering, and force protection (USAF) |
A-5 | plans directorate (COMAFFOR staff) |
A-6 | communications staff officer (USAF) |
A-7 | director of installations and mission support (USAF) |
AA | assessment agent; avenue of approach |
AA&E | arms, ammunition, and explosives |
AAA | antiaircraft artillery; arrival and assembly area |
AABB | American Association of Blood Banks |
AAC | activity address code |
AACG | arrival airfield control group |
AADC | area air defense commander |
AADP | area air defense plan |
AAFES | Army and Air Force Exchange Service |
AAFS | amphibious assault fuel system |
AAG | aeronautical assignment group |
AAGS | Army air-ground system |
AAM | air-to-air missile |
AAMDC | Army air and missile defense command |
AAOG | arrival and assembly operations group |
AAP | Allied administrative publication |
AAR | after action report; after action review; air-to-air refueling area |
AATCC | amphibious air traffic control center |
AAV | amphibious assault vehicle |
AB | air base |
ABCA | American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand |
ABCS | Army Battle Command System |
ABCT | armored brigade combat team |
ABFC | advanced base functional component |
ABFDS | aerial bulk fuel delivery system |
ABGD | air base ground defense |
ABI | activity-based intelligence |
ABL | airborne laser |
ABLTS | amphibious bulk liquid transfer system |
ABP | air battle plan |
A/C | aircraft |
AC | Active Component |
AC2 | airspace command and control |
ACA | airlift clearance authority; airspace control authority; airspace coordination area |
ACB | amphibious construction battalion |
ACC | Air Combat Command; area coordination center |
ACCE | air component coordination element |
ACD | automated cargo documentation |
ACE | Allied Command Europe; aviation combat element (USMC) |
ACEOI | automated communications-electronics operating instructions |
ACINT | acoustic intelligence |
ACL | allowable cabin load |
ACM | airspace coordinating measure |
ACO | administrative contracting officer; airspace control order |
ACOS | assistant chief of staff |
ACP | airspace control plan; Allied communications publication |
ACS | air-capable ship; airspace control system |
ACSA | acquisition and cross-servicing agreement |
ACT | advance civilian team; Allied Command Transformation |
ACU | assault craft unit |
AD | air defense; area denial; automatic distribution |
ADA | air defense artillery; Antideficiency Act |
A/DACG | arrival/departure airfield control group |
ADAFCO | air defense artillery fire control officer |
ADAM | air defense airspace management |
ADAM/BAE | air defense airspace management/brigade aviation element |
ADAMS | Allied Deployment and Movement System |
ADC | air defense commander; area damage control |
ADCON | administrative control |
ADCS | air defense coordination section |
ADE | airdrop damage estimate |
ADIZ | air defense identification zone |
ADM | air defense measure |
ADOS | active duty for operational support |
ADP | Army doctrine publication; automated data processing |
ADR | airfield damage repair |
ADRP | Army doctrine reference publication |
ADS | air defense section; air defense sector; amphibian discharge site; authoritative data source |
ADUSD(TP) | Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Transportation Policy |
ADVON | advanced echelon |
ADWC | air defense warning condition |
ADZ | amphibious defense zone |
A/E | ammunition/explosives |
AE | aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon |
AECA | Arms Export Control Act |
AECT | aeromedical evacuation control team |
AEF | air expeditionary force |
AEG | air expeditionary group |
AEHF | advanced extremely high frequency |
AELT | aeromedical evacuation liaison team |
AEODP | allied explosive ordnance disposal publication |
AEODPS | Automated Explosive Ordnance Disposal Publication System |
AEOT | aeromedical evacuation operations team |
AESC | aeromedical evacuation support cell |
AETC | Air Education and Training Command |
AETF | air expeditionary task force |
AEW | airborne early warning |
AF | Air Force; Air Force (form); amphibious force |
AF/A2 | Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance |
AFAPD | Air Force Applications Program Development |
AFARN | Air Force air request net |
AFATDS | Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System |
AFB | Air Force base |
AFCAP | Air Force contract augmentation program |
AFCC | Air Force Component Commander |
AFCEC | Air Force Civil Engineer Center |
AFCEE | Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment |
AFCESA | Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency |
AFDA | Air Force doctrine annex |
AFDD | Air Force doctrine document |
AFE | Armed Forces Entertainment |
AFFOR | Air Force forces |
AFH | Air Force handbook |
AFHSB | Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (DHA) |
AFHSC | Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center |
AFI | Air Force instruction |
AFIAA | Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency |
AFICA | Air Force Installation Contracting Agency |
AFIP | Armed Forces Institute of Pathology |
AFIS | American Forces Information Service |
AFISRA | Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency |
AFJI | Air Force joint instruction |
AFLE | Air Force liaison element |
AFMAN | Air Force manual |
AFMC | Air Force Materiel Command |
AFME | Armed Forces Medical Examiner |
AFMES | Armed Forces Medical Examiner System |
AFMS | Air Force Medical Service |
AFNORTH | Air Force North |
AFO | advance force operations |
AFOE | assault follow-on echelon |
AFOSI | Air Force Office of Special Investigations |
AFOSIMAN | Air Force Office of Special Investigations manual |
AFPAM | Air Force pamphlet |
AFPC | Air Force Personnel Center |
AFPD | Air Force policy directive |
AFR | Air Force Reserve |
AFRAT | Air Force Radiation Assessment Team |
AFRC | Air Force Reserve Command |
AFRCC | Air Force Rescue Coordination Center |
AFRL | Air Force Research Laboratory |
AFRRI | Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute |
AFRTS | American Forces Radio and Television Service |
AFSB | afloat forward staging base; Army field support brigade |
AFSC | Army Field Support Center |
AFSCN | Air Force Satellite Control Network |
AFSMO | Air Force Spectrum Management Office |
AFSOAC | Air Force special operations air component |
AFSOAD | Air Force special operations air detachment |
AFSOAE | Air Force special operations air element |
AFSOC | Air Force Special Operations Command |
AFSOF | Air Force special operations forces |
AFSPC | Air Force Space Command |
AFSTRAT | Air Forces Strategic |
AFTAC | Air Force Technical Applications Center |
AFTRANS | Air Forces Transportation |
AFTTP | Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures |
AFTTP(I) | Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures (instruction) |
AFW | Air Force Weather |
AFWA | Air Force Weather Agency |
AGILE | Advanced Global Intelligence Learning Environment |
AGL | above ground level |
AGO | Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organization |
AGS | aviation ground support |
AGT | Automated Global Force Management Tool |
AH | attack helicopter |
AHA | alert holding area |
AHD | antihandling device |
AI | acquisition instruction; air interdiction |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AIMD | aircraft intermediate maintenance department |
AIMT | air interdiction of maritime targets |
AIP | aeronautical information publication |
AIRCOR | air corridor |
AIRSUPREQ | air support request |
AIS | automated information system |
AIT | automated information technology; automatic identification technology |
AJ | anti-jam |
AJA | annual joint assessment |
AJBPO | area joint blood program office |
AJD | allied joint doctrine |
AJODWG | allied joint operations doctrine working group |
AJP | Allied joint publication |
AKRCC | Alaska Rescue Coordination Center |
ALARA | as low as reasonably achievable |
ALCF | airlift control flight |
ALCM | air-launched cruise missile |
ALCOM | United States Alaskan Command |
ALCT | airlift control team |
ALD | available-to-load date |
ALEP | amphibious lift enhancement program |
ALERTORD | alert order |
ALLOREQ | allocation request |
ALN | ammunition lot number |
ALO | air liaison officer |
ALOC | air line of communications |
ALP | Allied logistic publication |
ALSA | Air Land Sea Application (Center) |
ALSE | aviation life support equipment |
ALSS | advanced logistic support site |
ALT | acquisition, logistics, and technology |
ALTRV | altitude reservation |
AM | amplitude modulation |
AMC | airborne mission coordinator; Air Mobility Command |
AMCC | allied movement coordination center |
AMCM | airborne mine countermeasures |
AMC/SGXM | Air Mobility Command/Command Surgeons Office |
AMCT | air mobility control team |
AMD | air and missile defense; air mobility division |
AMDC | air and missile defense commander |
AMedP | Allied medical publication |
AMEMB | American Embassy |
AMETL | agency mission-essential task list |
AMHS | automated message handling system |
AMLO | air mobility liaison officer |
AMOC | Air and Marine Operations Center (DHS) |
AMOG | air mobility operations group |
AMOS | air mobility operations squadron |
AMOW | air mobility operations wing |
AMP | analysis of mobility platform |
AMP-PAT | analysis of mobility platform suite of port analysis tools |
AMS | Aerial Measuring System (DOE); air mobility squadron; Asset Management System |
AMS-TAC | Automated Manifesting SystemTactical |
AMT | aerial mail terminal |
amu | atomic mass unit |
AMX | air mobility express |
ANG | Air National Guard |
ANGLICO | air-naval gunfire liaison company |
ANR | Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AN/VRC | Army Navy vehicle radio communications |
ANZUS | Australia-New Zealand-United States Treaty |
AO | action officer; air officer; area of operations |
AOA | amphibious objective area |
AOC | air operations center |
AOD | air operations directive |
AODB | air operations database |
AOF | azimuth of fire |
AOG | Army Operations Group |
AOI | area of interest |
AOR | area of responsibility |
AOS | aircraft on station |
AOTR | aviation operational threat response |
AP | allied publication; antipersonnel |
APAN | All Partners Access Network |
APE | airfield pavement evaluation |
APEX | Adaptive Planning and Execution |
APF | afloat pre-positioning force |
APHIS | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA) |
APL | antipersonnel land mine |
APO | Army post office |
APOD | aerial port of debarkation |
APOE | aerial port of embarkation |
APP | allied procedural publication |
APS | Army pre-positioned stocks |
APS-3 | Army pre-positioned stocks-3 |
APTD | aircraft position target designation |
APU | auxiliary power unit |
AR | air refueling; Army regulation |
ARC | air Reserve Components; American Red Cross |
ARCENT | United States Army Central Command |
ARCT | air refueling control team |
ARDEC | United States Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center |
ARFOR | Army forces |
ARG | Accident Response Group (DOE); amphibious ready group |
ARM | air reference measure; antiradiation missile |
ARNG | Army National Guard |
ARS | acute radiation syndrome |
ARSOF | Army special operations forces |
ARSST | Army space support team |
ARTYMET | artillery meteorological |
A/S | anti-spoofing |
ASA(ALT) | Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASAT | antisatellite |
ASBP | Armed Services Blood Program |
ASBPO | Armed Services Blood Program Office |
ASC | Army Sustainment Command |
ASCC | Army Service component command; Army Service component commander |
ASCOPE | areas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people, and events |
ASCS | air support control section |
ASD(GSA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs |
ASD(HA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) |
ASD(HD&ASA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and Americas Security Affairs) |
ASD(HD&GS) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and Global Security) |
ASD(NII) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) |
ASD(OEPP) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs |
ASD(RA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) |
ASD(S) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment |
ASD(SO/LIC) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low- Intensity Conflict |
ASD(SO/LIC&IC) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities |
ASG | Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence |
ASIC | Air and Space Interoperability Council |
ASLT | air support liaison team; assault support landing table |
ASM | air-to-surface missile; Army Spectrum Manager |
ASMO | Army Spectrum Management Office |
ASN(RD&A) | Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition |
ASOC | air support operations center |
ASOG | air support operations group |
ASOS | air support operations squadron |
ASP | ammunition supply point |
A-Space | Analytic Space |
ASPR | Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (DHHS) |
ASR | air support request |
ASW | antisubmarine warfare |
ASWC | antisubmarine warfare commander |
AT | antiterrorism |
ATA | antiterrorism assistance |
ATACMS | Army Tactical Missile System |
ATC | air traffic control |
ATCM | air traffic control measure |
ATCS | air traffic control section |
ATEP | Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal |
ATF | amphibious task force; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (DOJ) |
ATI | asset target interaction |
ATO | air tasking order; antiterrorism officer |
ATOC | air terminal operations center |
ATP | advanced targeting pod; Allied tactical publication; Army tactical publication; Army technical publication; Army techniques publication |
ATSD(PA) | Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (DHHS) |
ATTP | Army tactics, techniques, and procedures |
AU | African Union |
AUF | airborne use of force |
AUSCANNZUKUS | Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States |
AV | asset visibility |
AVC | Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance (DOS) |
AVCAL | aviation consolidated allowance list |
AVGAS | aviation gasoline |
AVL | anti-vehicle land mine |
AVS | asset validation system |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWG | Asymmetric Warfare Group (USA) |
AWNIS | Allied Worldwide Navigational Information System |
AWOL | absent without leave |
AXO | abandoned explosive ordnance |
B | |
BAE | brigade aviation element |
BAH | basic allowance for housing |
BALO | battalion air liaison officer |
BALS | berthing and loading schedule |
BAS | basic allowance for subsistence |
bbl | barrel (42 US gallons) |
BCA | border crossing authority |
BCC | battle control center |
BCD | battlefield coordination detachment (USA) |
BCG | beach control group |
BCL | battlefield coordination line |
BCOC | base cluster operations center |
BCT | brigade combat team |
BD | barge derrick |
BDA | battle damage assessment |
BDAREP | battle damage assessment report |
BDC | blood donor center |
BDE | brigade |
BDOC | base defense operations center |
BDR | battle damage repair |
BDZ | base defense zone |
BE | basic encyclopedia |
BEAR | base expeditionary airfield resources (USAF); basic expeditionary airfield resources |
BEB | brigade engineer battalion |
BEI | biometrics-enabled intelligence |
BEST | border enforcement security task force |
BEWL | biometric-enabled watchlist |
BI | battle injury |
BIA | behavioral influences analysis |
BIAR | biometric intelligence analysis report |
BIAS | Battlefield Illumination Assistance System |
BICES | battlefield information collection and exploitation system (NATO) |
BICON | double container |
BIFS | Border Intelligence Fusion Section (DHS) |
BII | base information infrastructure |
BIMA | Biometrics Identity Management Agency |
BIS | Bureau of Industry and Security (DOC) |
BKB | blue kill box |
BLCP | beach lighterage control point |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BLOS | beyond line-of-sight |
BLT | battalion landing team |
BM | ballistic missile; beach module |
BMCT | begin morning civil twilight |
BMD | ballistic missile defense |
BMDS | ballistic missile defense system |
BMET | biomedical electronics technician |
BMNT | begin morning nautical twilight |
BMU | beachmaster unit |
BN | battalion |
BOA | basic ordering agreement |
BOC | bomb on coordinate |
BOG | beach operations group |
BOS | base operating support |
BOS-I | base operating support-integrator |
BOSS | base operating support service |
BOT | bomb on target |
BP | battle position |
BPA | blanket purchase agreement |
BPC | building partnership capacity |
BPG | beach party group |
BPLAN | base plan |
bps | bits per second |
BPT | beach party team |
BRACE | Base Resource and Capability Estimator |
BSA | beach support area; brigade support area |
BSB | brigade support battalion |
BSC | behavioral science consultant |
BSI | base support installation |
BSRP | bureau strategic resource plan |
BSZ | base security zone |
BT | bathythermograph |
BTC | blood transshipment center |
BTU | beach termination unit |
BTWC | Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention |
BVR | beyond visual range |
BW | biological warfare |
BWC | Biological Weapons Convention |
BZ | buffer zone |
C | |
C | Celsius |
C&E | communications and electronics |
C&LAT | cargo and loading analysis table |
C2 | command and control |
C2CRE | command and control chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response element |
C2S | command and control support |
C-2X | coalition Intelligence Directorate counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
C3 | command, control, and communications |
C3I | command, control, communications, and intelligence |
C4I | command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence |
C4S | command, control, communications, and computer systems |
CA | chaplain assistant; civil administration; civil affairs; combat assessment; coordinating altitude; credibility assessment; criticality assessment |
CAA | combat aviation advisor; command arrangement agreement |
CAAF | contractors authorized to accompany the force |
CAB | commanders assessment board |
CAC | common access card |
CACOM | civil affairs command |
CAD | Canadian air division; contract administration delegation |
CADS | containerized ammunition distribution system |
CAF | Canadian Air Force; combat air forces; commander, airborne/air assault force; commander, amphibious force; Conflict Assessment Framework (USAID) |
CAG | civil affairs group |
CAGO | contractor-acquired, government-owned |
CAIS | civil authority information support |
CAISE | civil authority information support element |
CAL | caliber; critical asset list |
CALCM | conventional air-launched cruise missile |
CALICS | communication, authentication, location, intentions, condition, and situation |
CAMOC | Caribbean Air and Marine Operations Center |
CAMPS | Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System |
CANR | Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command Region |
CANUS | Canada-United States |
CANUS BDD | Canada-United States Basic Defense Document |
CANUS CDP | Canada-United States Combined Defense Plan |
CAO | chief administrative officer; civil affairs operations; controlled asset operation |
CAOC | combined air operations center |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol; civil assistance plan; civil augmentation program; combat air patrol |
CAPM | credibility assessment program manager |
CAPT | civil affairs planning team |
CARA | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives analytical and remediation activity |
CARE | Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CAREUSA) |
CARP | computed air release point |
CARVER | criticality, accessibility, recuperability, vulnerability, effect, and recognizability |
CAS | close air support |
CASEVAC | casualty evacuation |
CASF | contingency aeromedical staging facility |
CAT | category; civil affairs team; crisis action team |
CATF | commander, amphibious task force |
CBCP | Customs and Border Clearance Program (DOD) |
CBEC | Contingency Basing Executive Council |
CBG | coalition building guide |
CBIRF | Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force |
CBMU | construction battalion maintenance unit |
CBP | capabilities-based planning; Customs and Border Protection (DHS) |
CBR | chemical, biological, and radiological |
CBRN | chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear |
CBRNE | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (USA/NGB/USCG) |
CBSA | Canadian Border Services Agency |
CbT | combating terrorism |
CC | component commander; critical capability |
CCA | close combat attack; combat cargo assistant; contract construction agent |
CCAS | contingency contract administration services |
CCATT | critical care air transport team |
CCB | configuration control board |
CCC | coalition coordination center |
CCD | camouflage, concealment, and deception |
CCDB | consolidated counterdrug database |
CCDR | combatant commander |
CCEB | Combined Communications-Electronics Board |
CCG | combat communications group |
CCICA | command counterintelligence coordinating authority |
CCIF | Combatant Commander Initiative Fund |
CCIP | continuously computed impact point |
CCIR | commanders critical information requirement |
CCLI | commerce control list item |
CCMD | combatant command |
CCMF | Cyber Combat Mission Force |
CCO | central control officer; combat cargo officer; container control officer; contingency contracting officer |
CCP | casualty collection point; combatant command campaign plan; consolidated cryptologic program; consolidation and containerization point |
CCR | closed circuit refueling |
C-CS | communication and computer systems |
CCS | central control ship; commanders communication synchronization; core capability set |
CCT | combat control team |
CCTV | closed circuit television |
CCW | 1980 United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons |
CD | compact disc; counterdrug; customer direct |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DHHS) |
CDD | chemical decontamination detachment |
CDE | collateral damage estimation |
CDEMA | Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency |
CDHAM | Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine |
CDI | cargo disposition instructions |
CDIO | collateral duty intelligence officer |
CDIP | combined defense improvement project |
CDIPO | counterdrug intelligence preparation for operations |
CDM | collateral damage methodology |
CDO | commander, detainee operations |
CDOPS | counterdrug operations |
CDP | commanders dissemination policy |
CDR | commander |
CDRAFNORTH | Commander, Air Force North |
CDRAFSOF | commander, Air Force special operations forces |
CDRJSOTF | commander, joint special operations task force |
CDRNORAD | Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command |
CDRTSOC | commander, theater special operations command |
CDRUSAFRICOM | Commander, United States Africa Command |
CDRUSARNORTH | Commander, United States Army, North |
CDRUSCENTCOM | Commander, United States Central Command |
CDRUSCYBERCOM | Commander, United States Cyber Command |
CDRUSELEMNORAD | Commander, United States Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command |
CDRUSEUCOM | Commander, United States European Command |
CDRUSINDOPACOM | Commander, United States Indo-Pacific Command |
CDRUSNORTHCOM | Commander, United States Northern Command |
CDRUSSOCOM | Commander, United States Special Operations Command |
CDRUSSOUTHCOM | Commander, United States Southern Command |
CDRUSSTRATCOM | Commander, United States Strategic Command |
CDRUSTRANSCOM | Commander, United States Transportation Command |
CDS | Chief of Defence Staff (Canada); container delivery system |
CDSO | counterdrug support office |
C-E | communications-electronics |
CE | circular error; command element (USMC); communications-electronics; core element; counterespionage |
CEA | captured enemy ammunition |
CEB | combat engineer battalion |
CEC | civil engineer corps |
CECOM | communications-electronics command |
CEE | captured enemy equipment |
CEHC | Counter Explosive Hazards Center (USA) |
CELLEX | cellular exploitation |
CEMIRT | civil engineer maintenance, inspection, and repair team |
CENTRIXS | Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System |
CEOI | communications-electronics operating instructions |
CEP | Chairmans Exercise Program |
CERF | Central Emergency Revolving Fund (UN) |
CERFP | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives enhanced response force package |
CERP | Commanders Emergency Response Program |
CERT | computer emergency response team; contingency engineering response team |
CEW | civilian expeditionary workforce |
CEXC | combined explosives exploitation cell |
CF | carrier furnished; causeway ferry; conventional forces |
CFA | critical factors analysis |
CFACC | combined force air component commander |
CFB | Canadian forces base |
CFC | Combined Forces Command, Korea |
CF-COP | counterfire common operational picture |
CFL | coordinated fire line |
CFLCC | coalition forces land component commander |
CFO | chief financial officer |
CFPM | causeway ferry power module |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFST | coalition forces support team |
CG | Coast Guard; commanding general |
CG-652 | Coast Guard Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Policy Division |
CGCG | Coast Guard Cryptologic Group |
CGCIS | Coast Guard Counterintelligence Service |
CGDEFOR | Coast Guard defense force |
CGICC | Coast Guard Intelligence Coordination Center |
CGIS | United States Coast Guard Investigative Service |
CGP | Coast Guard publication |
CGTTP | Coast Guard tactics, techniques, and procedures |
CH | contingency hospital |
CHB | cargo-handling battalion |
CHCSS | Chief, Central Security Service |
CHD | counterintelligence and human intelligence detachment |
CHE | cargo-handling equipment; container handling equipment |
CHRP | contaminated human remains pouch |
CI | counterintelligence |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CIAP | Central Intelligence Agency program |
CIB | combined information bureau; controlled image base |
CIC | combat information center |
CICA | counterintelligence coordinating authority |
CICR | counterintelligence collection requirement |
CID | combat identification |
CIDNE | Combined Information Data Network Exchange |
CIE | collaborative information environment; cultural intelligence element |
CIEA | classification, identification, and engagement area |
C-IED | counter-improvised explosive device |
C-IEDTF | counter-improvised explosive device task force |
CIFA | counterintelligence field activity |
CI/KR | critical infrastructure and key resources |
CIL | command information library; critical information list; critical item list |
CIM | civil information management; compartmented information management |
CIMIC | civil-military cooperation |
CIN | cargo increment number |
CIO | chief information officer; command intelligence officer |
CIOC | counterintelligence operations cell |
CIOTA | counterintelligence operational tasking authority |
CIP | critical infrastructure protection |
CIRT | Collaborative Issue Resolution Tool |
CIS | common item support |
CISAR | catastrophic incident search and rescue |
CISD | critical incident stress debriefing |
CISO | counterintelligence staff office |
CITE | computer intrusion technical exploitation |
CITP | counter-improvised explosive device targeting program |
CIVMAR | civil service mariner |
CIVPOL | civilian police |
CJ-4 | combined-joint logistics officer |
CJCS | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
CJCSI | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction |
CJCSM | Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual |
CJDA | critical joint duty assignment |
CJE | component joint data networks operations officer equivalent |
CJEODC | combined joint explosive ordnance disposal cell |
CJFC | combined joint force commander |
CJLOTS | combined joint logistics over-the-shore |
CJMAB | Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Board |
CJOC | Canadian Joint Operations Command |
CJSART | Criminal Justice Sector Assessment Rating Tool |
CJSMPT | Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool |
CJTF | combined joint task force (NATO); commander, joint task force |
C-JWICS | Containerized Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System |
CL | contingency location; coordination level |
CLA | critical logistics asset; landing craft, air cushion launch area |
CLASSRON | class squadron |
CLB | combat logistics battalion |
CLDP | Commercial Law Development Program |
CLF | combat logistics force; commander, landing force |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 |
CLIP | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program |
CLML | contingency location master list |
CLPSB | combatant commander logistics procurement support board |
CLR | combat logistics regiment |
CLS | contractor logistics support |
CLT | civil liaison team |
CLZ | cushion landing zone; landing craft, air cushion landing zone |
CM | Chairmans memorandum; collection manager; combination module; countermine; cruise missile |
cm | centimeter |
CMA | collection management authority |
CMAA | cooperative military airlift agreement |
CMAOC | Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center |
CMAT | consequence management advisory team |
CMC | Commandant of the Marine Corps; Office of Civilian- Military Cooperation (USAID) |
CMCB | civil-military coordination board |
CMCC | combined movement coordination center |
CMD | cruise missile defense |
CMDO | command military deception officer |
CME | civil-military engagement |
CMF | Cyber Mission Force |
CMM | Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID) |
CMMA | collection management mission application |
CMO | civil-military operations; collection management office(r) |
CMOC | cargo movement operations center; civil-military operations center |
CMOS | cargo movement operations system; Cargo Movement Operations System (USAF) |
CMP | contractor management plan |
CMPF | commander, maritime pre-positioning force |
CMSE | civil-military support element |
CMST | consequence management support team |
CMT | combat mission team |
C-NAF | component numbered air force |
CNBG | commander, naval beach group |
CNC | Crime and Narcotics Center (CIA) |
CNCI | Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative |
CNE | computer network exploitation |
CNGB | Chief, National Guard Bureau |
CNGBI | Chief, National Guard Bureau instruction |
CNIC | Commander, Navy Installations Command |
CNM | classified notice to mariners |
CNMF | Cyber National Mission Force |
CNMF-HQ | Cyber National Mission Force Headquarters |
CNMI | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands |
CNMOC | Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
CNR | combat net radio |
CNWDI | critical nuclear weapons design information |
CO | commanding officer; cyberspace operations |
COA | course of action |
COB | contingency operating base |
COC | combat operations center |
CoC | Code of Conduct |
COCO | contractor-owned, contractor-operated |
COCOM | combatant command (command authority) |
COD | carrier onboard delivery; combat operations division |
COE | common operating environment; concept of employment |
COEDMHA | Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (USPACOM) |
COF | chief of fires; conduct of fire |
COG | center of gravity; continuity of government |
COI | community of interest |
COIC | counter-improvised explosive device operations integration center; Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Operations/Intelligence Integration Center (JIEDDO) |
COIN | counterinsurgency |
CO-IPE | cyberspace operations-integrated planning element |
COLDS | cargo offload and discharge system |
COLISEUM | community on-line intelligence system for end-users and managers |
COLPRO | collective protection |
COLS | concept of logistics support |
COLT | combat observation and lasing team |
COM | chief of mission; collection operations management |
COMAFFOR | commander, Air Force forces |
COMAFSOAC | commander, Air Force special operations air component |
COMALOC | commercial air line of communications |
COMARFOR | commander, Army forces |
COMCAM | combat camera |
COMDTINST | Commandant instruction (USCG) |
COMFLTCYBERCOM | Commander, Fleet Cyber Command |
COMINEWARCOM | Commander, Mine Warfare Command |
COMINT | communications intelligence |
COMLANTAREACOGARD | Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area |
COMMARFOR | commander, Marine Corps forces |
COMNAVELSG | Commander, Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group |
COMNAVFOR | commander, Navy forces |
COMNAVMETOCCOM | Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command |
COMNAVSURFLANT | Commander, Naval Surface Force, Atlantic |
COMNAVSURFPAC | Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific |
COMNET | communications network |
COMPACAF | Commander, Pacific Air Forces |
COMPACAREACOGARD | Commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area |
COMPASS | Computerized Movement Planning and Status System |
COMSC | Commander, Military Sealift Command |
COMSCINST | Commander, Military Sealift Command instruction |
COMSEC | communications security |
COMSTAT | communications status |
COMSUBLANT | Commander Submarine Force, United States Atlantic Fleet |
COMSUBPAC | Commander Submarine Force, United States Pacific Fleet |
COMTENTHFLT | Commander, Tenth Fleet |
COMUSFLTFORCOM | Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command |
COMUSNAVNORTH | Commander, United States Naval Forces, Northern Command |
COMUSPACFLT | Commander, United States Pacific Fleet |
CONCAP | construction capabilities contract (USN); construction capabilities contract program |
CONEX | container express |
CONOPS | concept of operations |
CONPLAN | concept plan; operation plan in concept format |
CONR | continental United States North American Aerospace Defense Command Region |
CONUS | continental United States |
COOP | continuity of operations |
COP | common operational picture |
COR | contracting officer representative |
CORIVRON | coastal riverine squadron |
COS | chief of staff |
COSC | combat and operational stress control |
COSMIC | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) security category |
COSR | combat and operational stress reactions |
COT | commanding officer of troops |
COTP | captain of the port |
COTS | cargo offload and transfer system; commercial off-the-shelf |
CP | command post; contact point; control point; counterproliferation |
CPD | combat plans division |
CPF | Cyber Protection Force |
CPG | Contingency Planning Guidance |
CPO | chief petty officer |
CPT | cyberspace protection team |
CPU | central processing unit |
CR | civil reconnaissance; critical requirement |
CRA | continuing resolution authority; coordinating review authority |
CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
C-R AM | counter-rocket, artillery, mortar |
CRBM | close-range ballistic missile |
CRC | Civilian Response Corps (DOS); coastal riverine company; control and reporting center; crisis reaction center |
CRD | chemical reconnaissance detachment |
CRE | contingency response element |
CREAPER | Communications and Radar Electronic Attack Planning Effectiveness Reference |
CREstT | Casualty Rate Estimation Tool |
CREW | counter radio-controlled improvised explosive device electronic warfare |
CRF | coastal riverine force; contingency response force |
CRG | contingency response group |
CRIF | cargo routing information file |
CRM | collection requirements management; comment resolution matrix |
CRMx | collection requirements matrix |
CRO | combat rescue officer |
CROP | common relevant operational picture |
CRRC | combat rubber raiding craft |
CRS | coastal riverine squadron |
CRSG | country reconstruction and stabilization group |
CRSP | centralized receiving and shipping point |
CRT | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives response team; contingency response team |
CRTS | casualty receiving and treatment ship |
CRW | contingency response wing |
CS | call sign; circuit switch; combat support; critical source |
CS&C | Office of Cybersecurity and Communications (DHS) |
CSA | combat support agency |
CSAR | combat search and rescue |
CSB | contracting support brigade |
CSB (MEB) | combat support brigade (maneuver enhancement brigade) |
CSC | convoy support center; International Convention for Safe Containers |
CSCS | country-specific security cooperation section |
CSE | combat support equipment; contingency support element; cyberspace support element |
CSEL | combat survivor evader locator; command senior enlisted leader |
CSG | carrier strike group; cryptologic services group; Cryptologic Support Group |
CSIP | contract support integration plan |
CSL | cooperative security location |
CSNP | causeway section, nonpowered |
CSO | Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (DOS); Center for Special Operations (USSOCOM); contractor support to operations |
CSOR | contract statement of requirement |
CSP | campaign support plan; career sea pay; causeway section, powered; contracting support plan |
CSS | Central Security Service (NSA); combat service support |
CSSA | combat service support area |
CSSAMO | combat service support automation management office |
CSSB | combat sustainment support battalion |
C-S SE | consolidated satellite communications system expert |
CSSM | contracted support synchronization matrix |
CSSP | cybersecurity service provider |
CSST | combat service support team |
CST | combat support team |
CSW | coordinate seeking weapons |
CT | computed tomography; counterterrorism; country team |
CTA | common table of allowance |
CTAF | counterterrorism analytical framework |
CTBT | Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty |
CTC | cargo transfer company (USA) |
CTDB | combating terrorism database |
CTE | critical target element |
CTEP | combined training and education plan |
CTF | commander, task force; counter threat finance |
CTF IAMD | commander, task force integrated air and missile defense |
CTFP | Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program |
CTIP | combating trafficking in persons |
CTKB | combating terrorism knowledge base |
CTL | candidate target list |
CTN | countering threat networks |
CTP | common tactical picture |
CTR | cooperative threat reduction |
CTS | commodity tracking system; Contingency Tracking System; controlled technical services |
CTU | commander, task unit |
C-UAS | counter-unmanned aircraft system |
CUI | controlled unclassified information |
CUL | common-user logistics |
CULT | common-user land transportation |
CV | aircraft carrier; critical vulnerability |
CVE | countering violent extremism |
CVN | aircraft carrier, nuclear |
CVS | commercial vendor services |
CVT | criticality-vulnerability-threat |
CVW | carrier air wing |
CW | chemical warfare; continuous wave |
CWA | chemical warfare agent |
CWC | Chemical Weapons Convention; composite warfare commander |
CWG | counterdeception working group |
CWMD | countering weapons of mass destruction |
CWP | causeway pier |
CWT | customer wait time |
CY | calendar year |
D | |
D&D | denial and deception |
D&F | determinations and findings |
D&M | detection and monitoring |
D3A | decide, detect, deliver, and assess |
DA | Department of the Army; direct action; Directorate for Mission Services (DIA); double agent |
DA&M | Director of Administration and Management |
DAA | designated approving authority |
DAADC | deputy area air defense commander |
DAAS | defense automatic addressing system |
DAB | Defense Acquisition Board |
DAC | Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) counterintelligence and security activity; Development Assistance Committee (OECD) |
DACAS | digitally aided close air support |
DACG | departure airfield control group |
DACO | directive authority for cyberspace operations |
DAF | Department of the Air Force |
DAFL | directive authority for logistics |
DAL | defended asset list |
DALIS | Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System |
DALS | downed aviator locator system |
DAO | defense attaché office |
DAR | Defense Acquisition Regulation |
DART | disaster assistance response team |
DAS | deep air support (USMC) |
DASC | direct air support center |
DASC(A) | direct air support center (airborne) |
DASD(CN>) | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Global Threats |
DASD(PS) | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Support) |
DATT | defense attaché |
DAWIA | Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act |
DBDB | digital bathymetric database |
DBDB-V | digital bathymetric database variable |
DBIDS | Defense Biometric Identification System |
DBSMC | Defense Business Systems Management Committee |
DBSS | Defense Blood Standard System |
DBT | design basis threat |
DC3 | Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center |
DC | Deputies Committee; direct current; dislocated civilian |
DCA | Defense Cooperation Agreements; defensive counterair |
DCAA | Defense Contract Audit Agency |
DCAM | Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) customer assistance module |
DCAPES | Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments |
DCCC | defense collection coordination center |
DCE | defense coordinating element |
D-cell | deployment cell |
DCGS | distributed common ground/surface system |
DCGS-A | distributed common ground system-Army |
DCGS-MC | distributed common ground/surface system Marine Corps |
DCHA | Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (USAID) |
DCHC | Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center |
DCI | defense critical infrastructure; Director of Central Intelligence |
D/CIA | Director, Central Intelligence Agency |
DCID | Director of Central Intelligence directive |
DCIP | Defense Critical Infrastructure Program |
DCISE | Defense Industrial Base Collaborative Information Sharing Environment |
DCJTF | deputy commander, joint task force |
DCM | defense collection manager; deputy chief of mission |
DCMA | Defense Contract Management Agency |
DCME | Defense Collection Management Enterprise |
DCNO | Deputy Chief of Naval Operations |
DCO | debarkation control officer; defense coordinating officer; defensive cyberspace operations |
DCO-IDM | defensive cyberspace operations-internal defensive measures |
DCO-RA | defensive cyberspace operations-response actions |
DCP | data collection plan; Defense Continuity Program; detainee collection point |
DCRF | defense chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response force |
DCS | Defense Collaboration Services; deputy chief of staff |
DCTC | Defense Combating Terrorism Center |
DCW | Defense Collection Watch (DIA) |
DD | Department of Defense (form); deputy director |
DDA | deputy development advisor |
DDE | Defense Logistics Agency distribution expeditionary |
DDED | defense distribution expeditionary depot |
DDI | Director of Defense Intelligence |
DDL | digital data link |
DDM | Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Mapping |
DDMS | Deputy Director for Military Support (NRO) |
DDN | Defense Data Network |
DDOC | Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (USTRANSCOM) |
DDP | detailed deployment plan |
DDR | disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration |
DDS | Deployable Disbursing System |
DDSBn | deployment and distribution support battalion |
DDSM | Defense Distinguished Service Medal |
DDST | deployment and distribution support team |
DE | decedent effects; directed energy |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration (DOJ) |
DEARAS | Department of Defense Emergency Authorities Retrieval and Analysis System |
DeCA | Defense Commissary Agency |
DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
DEFSMAC | Defense Special Missile and Aerospace Center |
DEL | deployable equipment list |
DEP | delayed entry program |
DEPORD | deployment order |
DepSecDef | Deputy Secretary of Defense |
DERP | Defense Environmental Restoration Program |
DES | deception event schedule |
DESC | Defense Energy Support Center |
DEST | domestic emergency support team |
DEW | directed-energy warfare |
DF | dangerous fallout; direction finding |
DFARS | Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement |
DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
DFBA | Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency |
DFC | detention facility commander |
DFE | Defense Intelligence Agency forward element; Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center forward element |
DFRIF | Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet |
DFSP | defense fuel support point |
DG | defense guidance |
DGT | designated ground target |
DHA | Defense Health Agency; detainee holding area |
DHB | Defense Health Board |
DHE | defense human intelligence executor |
DHE-M | Defense Human Intelligence Enterprise-manual |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services |
DHM | defense human intelligence manager |
DHP | Defense Health Program |
DHS | Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Service; Department of Homeland Security |
DI | Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate for Analysis; DIA Directorate for Intelligence Production |
DI&E | data integration and exploitation |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DIAM | Defense Intelligence Agency manual |
DIAP | Defense Intelligence Analysis Program |
DIAR | Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) regulation |
DIB | defense industrial base; defense institution building |
DID | Defense Intelligence Digest |
DIDO | designated intelligence disclosure official |
DIE | deception intelligence estimate |
DIEB | Defense Intelligence Executive Board |
DIFC | Defence Intelligence Fusion Centre |
DIGO | Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (Australia) |
DIJE | Defense Intelligence Joint Environment (United Kingdom) |
DIMOC | Defense Imagery Management Operations Center |
DINFOS | Defense Information School |
DIO | defense intelligence officer |
DIPF | defense intelligence priorities framework |
DIRI | Defense Institution Reform Initiative |
DIRINT | Director of Intelligence (USMC) |
DIRLAUTH | direct liaison authorized |
DIRMOBFOR | director of mobility forces |
DIRNSA | Director, National Security Agency |
DIRSPACEFOR | director of space forces (USAF) |
DISA | Defense Information Systems Agency |
DISA-LO | Defense Information Systems Agency - liaison officer |
DISN | Defense Information Systems Network |
DISO | deception in support of operations security |
DISR | Department of Defense Information Technology Standards Registry |
DJ-7 | Director, Joint Force Development |
DJIOC | Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center |
DJS | Director, Joint Staff |
DLA | Defense Logistics Agency |
DLD | digital liaison detachment |
DLEA | drug law enforcement agency |
DLIS | Defense Logistics Information Service |
DLM | defense logistics manual |
DLMS | Defense Logistics Management System |
DLQ | deck landing qualification |
DLSA | Defense Legal Services Agency |
DM | docking module |
DMA | Defense Media Activity |
DMDC | defense management data center; Defense Manpower Data Center |
DMHS | Defense Message Handling System |
DMIGS | Domestic Mobile Integrated Geospatial-Intelligence System |
DMLSS | Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support |
DMMPO | Defense Medical Materiel Program Office |
DMORT | Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team |
DMPI | desired mean point of impact |
DMSM | Defense Meritorious Service Medal |
DMSO | Defense Modeling and Simulation Office |
DMSP | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
DMT | disaster management team (UN) |
DMZ | demilitarized zone |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
DNBI | disease and nonbattle injury |
DNC | digital nautical chart |
DND | Department of National Defence (Canada) |
DNDO | Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DHS) |
DNI | Director of National Intelligence; Director of Naval Intelligence |
DOA | days of ammunition |
DOB | date of birth |
DOC | Department of Commerce; designed operational capability |
DOCNET | Doctrine Networked Education and Training |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DODD | Department of Defense directive |
DODFMR | Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation |
DODI | Department of Defense instruction |
DODIC | Department of Defense identification code |
DODIIS | Department of Defense Intelligence Information System |
DODIN | Department of Defense information network |
DODM | Department of Defense manual |
DODS-CWMD | Department of Defense Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOEHRS | Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Reporting System |
DOEHRS-IH | Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System Industrial Hygiene |
DOI | Department of the Interior |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DOMEX | document and media exploitation |
DON | Department of the Navy |
DOS | days of supply; denial of service; Department of State |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DOTEO | Department of Transportation emergency organization |
DOTMLPF | doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities |
DOTMLPF-P | doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy |
DOWG | deception operations working group |
DOX-T | direct operational exchange-tactical |
DP | decisive point; displaced person |
DPA | danger pay allowance; Defense Production Act |
DPAA | Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency |
DPAP | Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy |
DPAS | Defense Priorities and Allocation System |
DPC | deception planning cell; Defense Planning Committee (NATO) |
DPG | Defense Planning Guidance |
DPI | desired point of impact |
DPIP | departing initial point |
DPKO | Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UN) |
DPM | dissemination program manager |
DPMO | Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office |
DPO | Defense Press Office; distribution process owner |
DPPDB | digital point positioning database |
DR | dead reckoning; disaster relief |
DRL | Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DOS) |
DRMS | Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service |
DRO | departmental requirements officer |
DRRS | Defense Readiness Reporting System |
DRRS-S | Defense Readiness Reporting System-Strategic |
DRS | detainee reporting system |
DRSN | Defense Red Switched Network |
DRT | decontamination and reconnaissance team |
DS | Directorate for Management and Chief Information Officer (DIA); direct support |
DSC | defensive space control; dual-status commander |
DSCA | Defense Security Cooperation Agency; defense support of civil authorities |
DSE | direct support element |
DSF | deployable specialized force; District Stability Framework (USAID) |
DSG | Defense Strategic Guidance |
DSM | decision support matrix |
DSN | Defense Switched Network |
DSO | Defense Spectrum Organization; defensive systems officer |
DSPD | defense support to public diplomacy |
DSR | defense strategy review |
DSRSG | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General |
DSS | Defense Security Service; Distribution Standard System |
DSS/ALOC | direct support system/air line of communications |
DSSCS | Defense Special Security Communications System |
DSSM | Defense Superior Service Medal |
DSSO | defense sensitive support office |
DSSR | Department of State Standardized Regulation |
DST | decision support template; Defense Logistics Agency support team; deployment support team; district support team |
DSTS-G | Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Satellite Transmission Services - Global |
DT | Directorate for MASINT and Technical Collection (DIA) |
DTA | dynamic threat assessment |
DTAM | defense terrorism awareness message |
DTC | defense transportation coordination |
DTCI | Defense Transportation Coordination Initiative |
DTD | Deployable Training Division; detailed troop decontamination |
DTED | digital terrain elevation data |
D/T/ID | detect/track/identify |
DTIP | Disruptive Technology Innovations Partnership (DIA) |
DTIRP | Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program |
DTL | deployable team leader |
DTM | directive-type memorandum |
DTO | drug trafficking organization |
DTPA | diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid |
DTR | Defense Transportation Regulation |
DTRA | Defense Threat Reduction Agency |
DTS | Defense Transportation System; Defense Travel System |
DTSA | Defense Technology Security Administration |
DTWR | defense terrorism warning report |
DU | depleted uranium |
DURC | dual-use research of concern |
DUSD | deputy under Secretary of Defense |
DUSD (CI&S) | Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Counterintelligence and Security |
DUSD(S) | Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Sustainment |
DVD | digital video device |
DVIDS | Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System |
DWAS | Defense Working Capital Accounting System |
DWT | deadweight tonnage |
DZ | drop zone |
DZC | drop zone controller |
DZST | drop zone support team |
E | |
18 AF | Eighteenth Air Force |
E | enhanced; total probable error |
E3 | electromagnetic environmental effects |
EA | electronic attack; emergency action; executive agent |
EAC | emergency action committee |
EAD | earliest arrival date |
EADRU | Euro-Atlantic disaster response unit |
EADS | Eastern Air Defense Sector |
EAES | expeditionary aeromedical evacuation squadron |
EAF | expeditionary airfield |
EAM | emergency action message |
EAP | emergency action plan |
EAPC | Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council |
EASTPAC | eastern Pacific Ocean |
EBS | environmental baseline survey |
EC | electronic combat |
ECC | engineer coordination cell; evacuation control center |
ECES | expeditionary civil engineer squadron |
ECHA | Executive Committee for Humanitarian Affairs (UN) |
ECHO | European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection |
ECM | electromagnetic countermeasures; electronic countermeasures |
ECN | Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network |
ECO | electronic combat officer |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Council (UN) |
ECP | entry control point |
ECS | environmental condition study; expeditionary combat support |
EDA | Economic Development Administration (DOC); excess defense articles |
EDI | electronic data interchange |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
EEA | environmental executive agent |
EEBD | emergency escape breathing device |
EECT | end evening civil twilight |
EED | electro-explosive device; emergency-essential designation |
EEDAC | emergency essential Department of the Army civilian |
EEE | emergency and extraordinary expense |
EEI | essential element of information |
EENT | end of evening nautical twilight |
EEO | equal employment opportunity |
EER | enlisted employee review |
EEZ | exclusive economic zone |
EFAC | emergency family assistance center |
EFP | explosively formed projectile |
EFT | electronic funds transfer |
EGAT | Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade (USAID) |
EGM | Earth Gravity Model |
eGPL | Enhanced Geospatial Product Library (USAF) |
EH | explosive hazard |
EHCC | explosive hazards coordination cell |
EHDB | explosive hazard database |
EHF | extremely high frequency |
EHO | environmental health officer |
EHRA | environmental health risk assessment |
EHSA | environmental health site assessment |
EHT | explosive hazard team |
EI | environmental information |
EID | electrically initiated device |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
eJMAPS | electronic Joint Manpower and Personnel System |
EJPME | enlisted joint professional military education |
EL | enduring location |
ELCAS | elevated causeway system |
ELCAS(M) | elevated causeway system (modular) |
ELINT | electronic intelligence |
ELIST | enhanced logistics intratheater support tool |
ELML | enduring location master list |
ELT | emergency locator transmitter |
EM | electromagnetic; emergency management |
EMAC | emergency management assistance compact |
EMALL | electronic mall |
EMBM | electromagnetic battle management |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility |
EMCON | emission control |
EMD | expeditionary military information support detachment |
EME | electromagnetic environment |
EMEDS | expeditionary medical support |
EMF | expeditionary medical facility |
EMI | electromagnetic interface; electromagnetic interference |
EMIO | expanded maritime interception operations |
EMOE | electromagnetic operational environment |
EMP | electromagnetic pulse |
EMRE | Expeditionary Medicine Requirements Estimator |
EMS | electromagnetic spectrum; emergency medical services |
EMSC | electromagnetic spectrum control |
EMSM | electromagnetic spectrum manager |
EMT | emergency medical treatment; expeditionary military information support team |
EMU | expeditionary medical unit |
EMV | electromagnetic vulnerability |
EO | electro-optical; executive order |
EOB | electromagnetic order of battle; electronic order of battle; enemy order of battle |
EOC | emergency operating center; emergency operations center |
EOCA | explosive ordnance clearance agent |
EOD | explosive ordnance disposal |
EODB | explosive ordnance disposal bulletin |
EODESU | explosive ordnance disposal expeditionary support unit |
EODGRU | explosive ordnance disposal group (USN) |
EODIMS | Explosive Ordnance Disposal Information Management System |
EODMU | explosive ordnance disposal mobile unit |
EODMU-1 | explosive ordnance disposal mobile unit one |
EODT&T | explosive ordnance disposal technology and training |
EODTEU | explosive ordnance disposal training and evaluation unit |
EODTIC | Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Information Centre (NATO) |
EO-IR | electro-optical-infrared |
EO-IR CM | electro-optical-infrared countermeasure |
EOR | engage on remote |
EP | electronic protection; emergency preparedness; emergency procedures; excess property |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency; evasion plan of action |
EPBS | expeditionary prime base engineer emergency force squadron |
EPC | Emergency Procurement Committee |
EPF | expeditionary fast transport |
EPH | emergency planning handbook |
EPIC | El Paso Intelligence Center |
EPIRB | emergency position-indicating radio beacon |
EPLO | emergency preparedness liaison officer |
EPU | expeditionary port unit |
EPW | enemy prisoner of war |
ERC | emergency relief coordinator; en route care; exercise- related construction |
ERDC | Engineer Research and Development Center |
ERG | Emergency Response Guidebook |
ERIMP | En route Infrastructure Master Plan (USTRANSCOM) |
ERPSS | En Route Patient Staging System |
ERSG | executive representative of the Secretary-General |
ERT | emergency response team (FEMA); engineer reconnaissance team |
ERU | emergency response unit |
ERW | explosive remnants of war |
ES | electronic warfare support; executive secretariat; expeditionary salvage |
ESAC | Electromagnetic-Space Analysis Center (NSA) |
ESB | engineer support battalion |
ESC | expeditionary sustainment command |
ESCS | environmental site closure survey |
ESD | expeditionary transfer dock |
ESEO | environmental science and engineering officer |
ESF | Economic Support Fund; emergency support function |
ESG | executive steering group; expeditionary strike group |
ESGR | Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve |
ESM | expeditionary site mapping |
ESMRM | explosives safety munitions risk management |
ESO | environmental science officer; Expeditionary Support Organization (DFAS) |
ESOH | environmental, safety, and occupational health |
ESORTS | Enhanced Status of Resources and Training System |
ESP | engineer support plan; Estimating Supplies Program |
E-Space | Electromagnetic-Space |
ESR | external supported recovery |
EST | embarked security team |
ET | electronics technician |
ETA | estimated time of arrival |
ETD | estimated time of departure |
ETF | electronic target folder |
ETM | essential tasks matrix |
ETO | Emergency Transportation Operations (DOT) |
ETSS | extended training service specialist |
ETX | end of text |
EU | European Union |
Europol | European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation |
EUSC | effective United States controlled |
EUSCS | effective United States-controlled ships |
EVC | evasion chart |
EVE | equal value exchange |
EV WHS | Enhanced View Web Hosting Service |
EW | early warning; electronic warfare |
EWC | electronic warfare cell |
EWCA | electronic warfare control authority |
EWCC | electronic warfare coordination cell |
EWE | electronic warfare element |
EWG | electronic warfare group |
EWO | electronic warfare officer |
EWWG | electronic warfare working group |
EXECSEC | executive secretary |
EXORD | execute order |
EXU-1 | Expeditionary Exploitation Unit One |
EZ | exchange zone |
F | |
F Fahrenheit | |
F2T2EA | find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess |
F3EAD | find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate |
F&ES | fire and emergency services |
FA | feasibility assessment; field artillery |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration (DOT); Foreign Assistance Act |
FAAO | Federal Aviation Administration order |
FAC | forward air controller |
FAC(A) | forward air controller (airborne) |
FACE | forward aviation combat engineering |
FACT | field advance civilian team; field assessment and coordination team |
F/AD | force/activity designator |
FADM | force allocation decision matrix |
FAH | final attack heading; foreign affairs handbook |
FALOP | Forward Area Limited Observing Program |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization (UN); foreign area officer |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation; formal assessment report |
FARC | flyaway recompression chamber; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia |
FARP | forward arming and refueling point |
FAS | Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA); frequency assignment subcommittee |
FASCAM | family of scatterable mines |
FAST | fleet antiterrorism security team |
FB | forward boundary |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ) |
FBIS | Foreign Broadcast Information Service |
FC | final coordination; fires cell (Army); floating causeway |
FCA | Foreign Claims Act |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission; federal coordinating center; functional combatant commander |
FCE | forward command element |
FCO | federal coordinating officer |
FCP | functional campaign plan |
FCT | firepower control team |
FD | first draft; from temporary duty |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (DHHS) |
FDC | fire direction center |
FDO | flexible deterrent option; flight deck officer; foreign disclosure officer |
FDP | forward distribution point |
FDPMU | forward-deployable preventive medicine unit |
FDR | foreign disaster relief |
FE | fires element |
FEA | front-end analysis |
FEBA | forward edge of the battle area |
FEC | facilities engineering command; fires and effects coordinator |
FEI | forensic-enabled intelligence |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS) |
FEP | foreign excess property |
FEPP | foreign excess personal property |
FES | fire emergency services |
FEST | foreign emergency support team; forward engineer support team |
FET | facility engineer team |
FEZ | fighter engagement zone |
FFA | free-fire area |
FFC | force fires coordinator |
FFCC | force fires coordination center (USMC) |
FFE | field force engineering; flame field expedient |
FFIR | friendly force information requirement |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma; Office of Food for Peace (DOS) |
FFT | friendly force tracking |
FGS | final governing standard; Force Generation Service (UN) |
FH | fleet hospital |
FHA | Bureau for Food and Humanitarian Assistance; foreign humanitarian assistance |
FHP | force health protection |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration (DOT) |
FI | foreign intelligence |
FID | foreign internal defense |
FIE | fly-in echelon; foreign intelligence entity |
FinCEN | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
FIOP | federal interagency operational plan |
1st IOC | 1st Information Operations Command (Land) |
FIS | Foreign Intelligence Service |
FISINT | foreign instrumentation signals intelligence |
FISS | foreign intelligence and security services |
FIST | fire support team; fleet intelligence support team |
FLC | fleet logistics center |
FLETC | Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (DHS) |
FLIP | flight information publication |
FLIR | forward-looking infrared |
FLITE | federal legal information through electronics |
FLN | Front de Libération Nationale |
FLO/FLO | float-on/float-off |
FLOT | forward line of own troops |
FLS | forward logistic site |
FLSG | force logistic support group |
FLTCYBERCOM | Fleet Cyber Command (USN) |
FLTSAT | fleet satellite |
FLTSATCOM | fleet satellite communications |
FM | field manual (USA); financial management; force module; frequency modulation |
FM/A | functional manager for analysis |
FMA | foreign materiel acquisition |
FMCSA | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
FMF | Fleet Marine Force (USN); foreign military financing |
FMFP | foreign military financing program |
FMO | frequency management office; functional manager office |
FMP | foreign materiel program |
FMS | force module subsystem; foreign military sales |
FMTS | Fourth Estate Manpower Tracking System |
FMV | full motion video |
FN | foreign nation |
FNMOD | Fleet Numerical Meteorological and Oceanographic Detachment |
FNS | foreign nation support |
FO | forward observer |
FOB | forward operating base |
FOC | full operational capability |
FOD | field operations division; foreign object damage |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FORCE | fuels operational readiness capability equipment (USAF) |
FORSCOM | United States Army Forces Command |
FOS | forward operating site; full operational status |
FOUO | for official use only |
FOV | field of view |
FP | firing point; force protection; force provider |
FPA | foreign policy advisor |
FPCON | force protection condition |
FPD | force protection detachment; foreign post differential |
FPE | force provider expeditionary (USA) |
FPF | final protective fire |
FPO | fleet post office |
FPOC | focal point operations center |
FPS | Federal Protective Service (DHS) |
FPWG | force protection working group |
FRA | Federal Railroad Administration (DOT) |
FRAGORD | fragmentary order |
FRC | forward resuscitative care |
FRMAC | Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (DOE) |
FRN | force requirement number |
FRO | flexible response option |
FRRS | frequency resource record system |
FRTP | fleet response training plan |
FSA | fire support area |
FSB | fire support base; forward staging base |
FSC | fire support cell; fire support coordinator (USMC) |
FSCC | fire support coordination center (USMC) |
FSCL | fire support coordination line |
FSCM | fire support coordination measure |
FSCOORD | fire support coordinator (USA) |
FSE | fire support element |
FSEM | fire support execution matrix |
FSF | foreign security forces |
FSI | Foreign Service Institute |
FSN | foreign service national |
FSO | fire support officer |
FSP | functional support plan |
FSR | field service representative |
FSRT | fatality search and recovery team |
FSS | fast sealift ship; fire support station |
FSSP | fuel system supply point |
FST | fire support task |
FSW | feet of seawater |
ft | feet; foot |
ft3 | cubic feet |
FTN | force tracking number |
FTO | foreign terrorist organization |
FW | fixed-wing |
FWA | fraud, waste, and abuse |
FWC | fleet weather center |
FWRA | food and water risk assessment |
FXL | forensic exploitation laboratory |
FY | fiscal year |
FY1 | current fiscal year |
FY2 | budget year |
FY3 | program year |
FY4 | out year |
FY5 | out year |
FYDP | Future Years Defense Program |
G | |
G-1 | Army component manpower or personnel staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, personnel/personnel staff section (USMC) |
G-2 | Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; Army component intelligence staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, intelligence/intelligence staff section (USMC) |
G-2X | Army counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
G-3 | Army or Marine Corps component operations staff officer (Army division or higher staff, Marine Corps brigade or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, operations |
G-4 | Army component logistics staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, logistics/logistics staff section (USMC) |
G-5 | assistant chief of staff, plans (USA); assistant chief of staff, plans/plans staff section (USMC) |
G-6 | Army component command, control, communications, and computer systems staff officer (Army division or higher staff); assistant chief of staff, communications/communications system staff section (USMC) |
G-7 | Army component information operations staff officer; assistant chief of staff, information engagement/information operations staff section (USMC) |
GA | geospatial analyst |
GAFS | General Accounting and Finance System |
GAMSS | Global Air Mobility Support System |
GAO | Government Accountability Office |
GAR | gateway access request |
GARS | Global Area Reference System |
GAT | governmental assistance team |
GATES | Global Air Transportation Execution System |
GBL | government bill of lading |
GBR | ground-based radar |
GBS | Global Broadcast Service; Global Broadcast System |
GC | general counsel; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War |
GCC | geographic combatant commander; global contingency construction |
GCCC | global contingency construction contract |
GCCMAC | Global Contingency Construction Multiple Award Contract (USN) |
GCCS | Global Command and Control System |
GCCS-A | Global Command and Control System-Army |
GCCS-I3 | Global Command and Control System-Integrated Imagery and Intelligence |
GCCS-J | Global Command and Control System-Joint |
GCCS-M | Global Command and Control System-Maritime |
GCE | ground combat element (USMC) |
GCI | ground control intercept |
GCM | global container manager; Global Information Grid (GIG) Content Management |
GCP | global campaign plan; ground commanders pointer |
GCP-CWMD | Global Campaign Plan for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction |
GCS | ground control station |
GCSC | global contingency service contract |
GCSMAC | Global Contingency Services Multiple Award Contract (USN) |
GCSS | Global Command Support System |
GCSS-J | Global Combat Support System-Joint |
GDF | Guidance for Development of the Force |
GDIP | General Defense Intelligence Program |
GDP | global defense posture; gross domestic product |
GDSS | Global Decision Support System |
GE | general engineering |
GEF | Guidance for Employment of the Force |
GEM | Global Information Grid (GIG) Enterprise Management |
GENTEXT | general text |
GEO | geosynchronous Earth orbit |
GEOINT | geospatial intelligence |
GEOLOC | geographic location |
GEOREF | geographic reference |
GETM | Geospatially Enabled Target Materials (NGA) |
GETS | Geospatial Intelligence Enterprise Tasking, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Services |
GFE | government-furnished equipment |
GFM | global force management; global freight management |
GFMAP | Global Force Management Allocation Plan |
GFMB | Global Force Management Board |
GFMIG | Global Force Management Implementation Guidance |
GFP | government-furnished property |
GFS | government-furnished support |
GHz | gigahertz |
GI | geomatics and imagery |
GI&S | geospatial information and services |
GIANT | Global Positioning System Interference and Navigation Tool |
GIBCO | geospatial-intelligence base for contingency operations |
GICNT | Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism |
GIE | global information environment |
GIMS | Geospatial Intelligence Information Management Services |
GIO | Geospatial Intelligence Organisation (New Zealand) |
GIP | gridded installation photograph |
GIS | geographic information system |
GL | government-leased |
GLCM | ground-launched cruise missile |
GLD | ground liaison detachment |
GLINT | gated laser intensifier |
GLO | ground liaison officer |
GLOC | ground line of communications |
GLTD | ground laser target designator |
GMD | ground-based midcourse defense |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GME | global mobility enterprise |
GMI | general military intelligence |
GMLRS | Global Positioning System Multiple Launch Rocket System |
GMSC | Global Mission Support Center (USSOCOM) |
GMTI | ground moving target indicator |
GNA | Global Information Grid (GIG) Network Assurance |
GNCC | global network operations center |
GND | Global Information Grid (GIG) Network Defense |
GNSC | global network operations support center |
GNSS | global navigation satellite system |
GNZ | Geospatial Intelligence New Zealand |
GO | government-owned |
GO/FO | general officer/flag officer |
GOTS | government off-the-shelf |
GPC | geospatial planning cell; government purchase card |
GPD | gallons per day |
GPE | geospatial intelligence preparation of the environment |
GPEC | Global Posture Executive Council |
GPL | Geospatial Product Library |
GPM | gallons per minute; global pallet manager |
GPMIC | Global Patient Movement Integration Center |
GPMJAB | Global Patient Movement Joint Advisory Board |
GPMRC | Global Patient Movement Requirements Center |
GPOI | Global Peace Operations Initiative |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPSOC | Global Positioning System Operations Center |
GPW | Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War |
GRG | gridded reference graphic |
GRL | global reach laydown |
GROOVE | Geospatial Requirements One-Stop Visualization Environment |
GS | general service; general support |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GSE | ground support equipment |
GSO | general services officer |
GSORTS | Global Status of Resources and Training System |
GSR | general support-reinforcing; ground surveillance radar |
GSSC | global satellite communications (SATCOM) support center |
GST | geospatial support team |
GTA | graphic training aid |
GTAS | ground-to-air signals |
GTL | gun-target line |
GTM | global transportation management |
G-TSCMIS | Global Theater Security Cooperation Management Information System |
G/VLLD | ground/vehicle laser locator designator |
GWS | Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field |
GWS Sea | Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea |
H | |
H&S | headquarters and service |
HA | holding area; humanitarian assistance |
HAC | human intelligence analysis cell |
HACC | humanitarian assistance coordination center |
HAP | humanitarian assistance program |
HARC | human intelligence analysis and reporting cell |
HAST | humanitarian assistance survey team |
HBCT | heavy brigade combat team |
HC | Directorate for Human Capital (DIA); humanitarian coordinator |
HCA | head of contracting activity; humanitarian and civic assistance |
HCCC | harbormaster command and control center |
HCO | helicopter control officer |
HD | harbor defense; homeland defense |
HDC | harbor defense commander; helicopter direction center |
HDCU | harbor defense command unit |
HDM | humanitarian demining |
HDO | humanitarian demining operations |
HDR | humanitarian daily ration |
HDTC | Humanitarian Demining Training Center |
HE | high explosives |
HEI | high explosives incendiary |
HEMP | high-altitude electromagnetic pulse |
HEO | highly elliptical orbit |
HEPA | high efficiency particulate air |
HERF | hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels |
HERO | hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance |
HERP | hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel |
HEWSweb | Humanitarian Early Warning Service |
HF | high frequency |
HFA | human factors analysis |
HFP | hostile fire pay |
HHC | headquarters and headquarters company |
HHQ | higher headquarters |
HIC | humanitarian information center |
HIDACZ | high-density airspace control zone |
HIFLD | homeland infrastructure foundation-level data |
HIFR | helicopter in-flight refueling |
HIMAD | high-to-medium-altitude air defense |
HIMARS | High Mobility Artillery Rocket System |
HIMEZ | high-altitude missile engagement zone |
HIRTA | high intensity radio transmission area |
HIU | humanitarian information unit (DOS) |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HMA | humanitarian mine action |
HMCS | helmet-mounted cueing system |
HMIRS | Hazardous Material Information Resource System |
HMMWV | high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle |
HMOD | harbormaster operations detachment |
HN | host nation |
HNC | host-nation coordination |
HNCC | host nation coordination center |
HNS | host-nation support |
HNSCC | host-nation support coordination cell |
HNSF | host-nation security forces |
HOB | height of burst |
HOC | human intelligence operations cell; humanitarian operations center |
HOCC | humanitarian operations coordination center |
HOM | head of mission |
HOSTAC | helicopter operations from ships other than aircraft carriers (USN publication) |
HPM | high-power microwave |
HPT | high-payoff target |
HQ | headquarters |
HQCOMDT | headquarters commandant |
HQDA | Headquarters, Department of the Army |
HQMC | Headquarters, United States Marine Corps |
HR | helicopter request; hostage rescue |
HRB | high-risk billet |
HRC | high-risk-of-capture; Human Resources Command |
HRF | homeland response force |
HRI | high risk of isolation |
HRO | humanitarian relief organizations |
HRP | high-risk personnel; human remains pouch |
HRT | health response team |
HS | health services; helicopter antisubmarine (USN); homeland security |
HSC | helicopter sea combat (USN); Homeland Security Council |
HSD | health service delivery |
HSI | hyperspectral imagery; Office of Homeland Security Investigations (DHS) |
HSIN | Homeland Security Information Network (DHS) |
HSIP | Homeland Security Infrastructure Program |
HSM | humanitarian service medal |
HSPD | homeland security Presidential directive |
HSS | health service support |
HST | high-speed transport |
HSV | high-speed vessel |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
HUMINT | human intelligence |
HUMRO | humanitarian relief operation |
HVA | high-value asset |
HVAA | high-value airborne asset |
HVAC | heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
HVCDS | high-velocity container delivery system |
HVI | high-value individual |
HVT | high-value target |
HW | hazardous waste |
Hz | hertz |
I | |
I2 | identity intelligence |
I2SP | identity intelligence support packet |
I2WD | Intelligence and Information Warfare Division (USA) |
I&A | Office of Intelligence and Analysis (DHS) |
IA | imagery analyst; implementing arrangement; individual augmentee; information assurance |
IAA | incident area assessment; incident awareness and assessment |
IADS | integrated air defense system |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency (UN) |
IAM | inertially aided munition |
IAMD | integrated air and missile defense |
IAMSAR | International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue manual |
IAP | incident action plan; integrated assessment and planning; international airport |
IAPP | Interagency Partnership Program |
IAS | International Assistance System |
IASC | Inter-Agency Standing Committee (UN) |
IAVM | information assurance vulnerability management |
IAW | in accordance with |
IBB | International Broadcasting Bureau |
IBCT | infantry brigade combat team |
IBET | integrated border enforcement team |
IBS | Integrated Booking System; integrated broadcast service; Integrated Broadcast System |
IBS-I | Integrated Broadcast Service-Interactive |
IBS-S | Integrated Broadcast Service-Simplex |
IC | incident commander; intelligence community |
IC3 | integrated command, control, and communications |
ICAF | Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (DOS) |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICAT | interagency conflict assessment team |
ICBM | intercontinental ballistic missile |
ICBRN-R | international chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response |
ICC | information coordination center; Intelligence Coordination Center (USCG); International Criminal Court |
ICD | intelligence community directive |
ICDS | improved container delivery system |
ICE | Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) |
ICEPP | Incident Communications Emergency Policy and Procedures |
IC/EXCOM | Intelligence Community Executive Committee |
ICF | intelligence contingency funds |
ICIS | integrated consumable item support |
ICITAP | International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (DOJ) |
ICJ | International Court of Justice |
ICM | image city map |
ICODES | Integrated Computerized Deployment System |
ICP | intertheater communications security package; inventory control point |
ICPO-INTERPOL | International Criminal Police Organization-International Police |
ICR | Intelligence Collection Requirements |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICS | incident command system; integrated country strategy; intelligence community standard; interim contractor support |
ICT | information and communications technology |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ICVA | International Council of Voluntary Agencies |
ICW | in coordination with |
ID | identification; identifier; initiating directive |
IDAD | internal defense and development |
IDENT | Automated Biometric Identification System (DHS) |
IDF | indirect fire |
ID/IQ | indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity |
IDL | integrated distribution lane |
IDM | improved data modem; information dissemination management |
IDP | imagery derived product; imminent danger pay; internally displaced person |
IDRA | infectious disease risk assessment |
IDSRS | Integrated Defense Source Registration System |
IED | improvised explosive device |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IEM | installation emergency management |
IER | information exchange requirement |
IFC | intelligence fusion center |
IFF | identification, friend or foe |
IFO | integrated financial operations; intermediate fuel oil |
IFP | integrated force package |
IFR | instrument flight rules |
IFRC | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies |
IG | inspector general |
IGC | Integrated Data Environment/Global Transportation Network Convergence |
IGL | intelligence gain/loss |
IHC | international humanitarian community |
IHO | industrial hygiene officer |
IHS | international health specialist |
IICT | Interagency Intelligence Committee on Counterterrorism |
IIP | Bureau of International Information Programs (DOS); interagency implementation plan |
IIR | intelligence information report |
IJSTO | integrated joint special technical operations |
ILAB | Bureau of International Labor Affairs (DOL) |
ILO | in lieu of; International Labor Organization (UN) |
ILOC | integrated line of communications |
ILS | integrated logistic support |
IM | information management; intermediate module |
IMA | individual mobilization augmentee |
IMAAC | Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center |
IMAT | incident management assistance team |
IMC | instrument meteorological conditions |
IMDG | international maritime dangerous goods (UN) |
IMET | international military education and training |
IMF | International Monetary Fund (UN) |
IMINT | imagery intelligence |
IMM | integrated materiel management; intelligence mission management |
IMO | information management officer; International Maritime Organization |
IMP | information management plan; inventory management plan |
IMPP | integrated mission planning process |
IMRL | individual material requirements list |
IMS | information management system; interagency management system; Interagency Management System for Reconstruction and Stabilization |
IMSP | information management support plan |
IMT | incident management team |
INCLE | International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (DOS) |
IND | improvised nuclear device |
INDRAC | Interagency Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction Database of Responsibilities, Authorities, and Capabilities |
INFLTREP | inflight report |
INFOCON | information operations condition |
INL | Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (DOS) |
INLS | improved Navy lighterage system |
INM | international narcotics matters |
INMARSAT | international maritime satellite |
INR | Bureau of Intelligence and Research (DOS) |
INS | inertial navigation system |
INSARAG | International Search and Rescue Advisory Group |
INSCOM | United States Army Intelligence and Security Command |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
InterAction | American Council for Voluntary International Action |
IO | information operations |
IOB | intelligence oversight board |
IOCB | information operations coordination board |
IOII | information operations intelligence integration |
IOM | International Organization for Migration |
IOSS | Interagency Operations Security Support Staff |
IOW | information operations wing |
IOWG | information operations working group |
IP | initial point; initial position; intelligence planning; Internet protocol |
IPA | intelligence production agency |
IPB | intelligence preparation of the battlespace |
IPC | integration planning cell; interagency planning cell; interagency policy committee |
IPDP | inland petroleum distribution plan |
IPDS | inland petroleum distribution system (USA) |
IPE | individual protective equipment |
IPG | isolated personnel guidance |
IPI | indigenous populations and institutions |
IPOE | intelligence preparation of the operational environment |
IPP | impact point prediction |
IPR | in-progress review |
IPR F | plan approval in-progress review |
IPS | Integrated Planning System (DHS); Interim Polar System |
IPT | integrated planning team; Integrated Product Team; intelligence planning team |
IR | incident report; information requirement; infrared; intelligence requirement |
IRA | Provisional Irish Republican Army |
IRAC | Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (DOC) |
IRBM | intermediate-range ballistic missile |
IRC | information-related capability; internet relay chat |
IRCM | infrared countermeasures |
IR pointer | infrared pointer |
IRR | Individual Ready Reserve |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
IRSCC | interagency remote sensing coordination cell |
IRTPA | Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act |
IS | information superiority; information system |
ISA | individual Service augmentee; international standardization agreement |
ISAC | information sharing and analysis center |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force |
ISB | intermediate staging base |
ISDDC | Integrated Mission Support for Surface Deployment and Distribution Command |
ISE | information sharing environment |
ISG | isolated soldier guidance |
ISI2R | identify, separate, isolate, influence, and reintegrate |
ISIL | Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant |
ISIR | identify, separate, influence, and renunciation |
ISN | Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (DOS); internment serial number |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization; isolation |
ISOPAK | International Organization for Standardization package |
ISOPREP | isolated personnel report |
ISP | Internet service provider |
ISR | intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance |
ISRD | intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance division |
ISRLO | intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance liaison officer (USAF) |
ISR WG | Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing |
ISS | in-system select |
ISU | internal airlift or helicopter slingable container unit |
I/T | interpreter and translator |
IT | information system technician; information technology |
ITA | International Trade Administration (DOC) |
ITF | integrated task force; intelligence task force (DIA) |
ITL | intelligence task list |
ITO | installation transportation officer |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
ITV | in-transit visibility |
ITW/AA | integrated tactical warning and attack assessment |
IV | intravenous |
IW | irregular warfare |
IWC | information operations warfare commander |
IWG | intelligence working group; interagency working group |
IWW | inland waterway |
IWWS | inland waterway system |
J | |
J-1 | manpower and personnel directorate of a joint staff |
J-2 | intelligence directorate of a joint staff |
J-2E | joint force exploitation staff element |
J-2X | joint force counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
J-3 | operations directorate of a joint staff |
J-4 | logistics directorate of a joint staff |
J-5 | plans directorate of a joint staff |
J-6 | communications system directorate of a joint staff |
J-7 | engineering staff section of a joint staff; operational plans and interoperability directorate of a joint staff; training and education directorate of a joint staff; training directorate of a joint staff |
J-8 | force structure, resource, and assessment directorate of a joint staff; resource management and financial support directorate of a joint staff |
J-9 | civil-military operations directorate/interagency operations directorate of a joint staff; civil-military operations directorate of a joint staff |
J-31 | Joint Force Coordinator (Joint Staff) |
J-35 | future operations cell |
J-39 DDGO | Joint Staff, Deputy Director for Global Operations |
JA | judge advocate |
JAARS | Joint After-Action Reporting System |
JAAT | joint air attack team |
JA/ATT | joint airborne and air transportability training |
JAC | joint analysis center |
JACCE | joint air component coordination element |
JACE | joint air coordination element |
JACS | joint automated communication-electronics operating instructions system |
JADOC | Joint Air Defense Operations Center (NORAD) |
JADOCS | Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System |
JAG | judge advocate general |
JAGIC | joint air-ground integration center |
JAMMS | Joint Asset Movement Management System |
JAOC | joint air operations center |
JAOP | joint air operations plan |
JARN | joint air request net |
JASSM | joint air-to-surface standoff missile |
JAT | joint assessment team |
JBPO | joint blood program office |
JCA | joint capability area |
JCASO | Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (DLA) |
JCC | joint collaboration cell; joint contracting center; joint cyberspace center |
JCCA | joint combat capability assessment |
JCCC | Joint Combat Camera Center; joint communications control center |
JCCSE | Joint Continental United States Communications Support Environment |
JCEOI | joint communications-electronics operating instructions |
JCET | joint combined exchange training |
JCEWR | joint coordination of electronic warfare reprogramming |
JCEWS | joint force commanders electronic warfare staff |
JCISA | Joint Command Information Systems Activity |
JCIU | joint counterintelligence unit |
JCMA | joint communications security monitoring activity |
JCMB | joint collection management board |
JCMEB | joint civil-military engineering board |
JCMEC | joint captured materiel exploitation center; Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Center (DIA) |
JCMO | joint communications security management office |
JCMOTF | joint civil-military operations task force |
JCMS | Joint Construction Management System |
JCN | joint communications network; joint communications node |
JCRM | Joint Capabilities Requirements Manager |
JCS | Joint Chiefs of Staff |
JCSB | joint contracting support board |
JCSE | joint communications support element; Joint Communications Support Element (USTRANSCOM) |
JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition |
JDAT | joint deployable analysis team |
JDD | joint doctrine distribution |
JDDC | Joint Deployment and Distribution Coordinator (USTRANSCOM); joint doctrine development community |
JDDE | joint deployment and distribution enterprise |
JDDOC | joint deployment and distribution operations center |
JDDT | joint doctrine development tool |
JDEC | joint document exploitation center |
JDEIS | Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Electronic Information System |
JDET | joint distribution enabling team |
JDIGS | Joint Digital Information Gathering System |
JDISS | joint deployable intelligence support system |
JDN | joint data network; joint doctrine note |
JDNC | joint data network operations cell |
JDNO | joint data network operations officer |
JDOMS | Joint Director of Military Support |
JDPC | Joint Doctrine Planning Conference |
JDPI | joint desired point of impact |
JDPO | joint deployment process owner |
JDTC | Joint Deployment Training Center |
JECC | Joint Enabling Capabilities Command (USTRANSCOM) |
JED | Joint Education and Doctrine |
JEDD | Joint Education and Doctrine Division |
JEFF | Joint Expeditionary Forensic Facility (USA) |
JEL | Joint Electronic Library |
JEL+ | Joint Electronic Library Plus |
JEMB | joint environmental management board |
JEMSMO | joint electromagnetic spectrum management operations |
JEMSO | joint electromagnetic spectrum operations |
JENM | joint enterprise network manager |
JEODOC | joint explosives ordnance disposal operations center |
JEODTF | joint explosives ordnance disposal task force |
JEP | Joint Exercise Program |
JEPES | Joint Engineer Planning and Execution System |
JET | joint expeditionary team; Joint Operation Planning and Execution System editing tool |
JEWC | Joint Electronic Warfare Center |
JEWCS | Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff (NATO) |
JEZ | joint engagement zone |
JFACC | joint force air component commander |
JFC | joint force commander |
JFCC | joint functional component command |
JFCC-GS | Joint Functional Component Command for Global Strike |
JFCC-IMD | Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense |
JFCC-ISR | Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (USSTRATCOM) |
JFCC NW | Joint Functional Component Command for Network Warfare |
JFCC Space | Joint Functional Component Command for Space (USSTRATCOM) |
JFCH | joint force chaplain |
JFE | joint fires element |
JFHQ | joint force headquarters |
JFHQ-C | joint force headquarters-cyberspace |
JFHQ-DODIN | Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network |
JFHQ-NCR | Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region |
JFHQ-State | joint force headquarters-state |
JFLCC | joint force land component commander |
JFM | joint functional manager |
JFMC | joint fleet mail center |
JFMCC | joint force maritime component commander |
JFMO | joint frequency management office |
JFO | joint field office; joint fires observer |
JFP | joint force provider; Joint Frequency Panel (MCEB) |
JFRG II | joint force requirements generator II |
JFS | joint force surgeon |
JFSCC | Joint Force Space Component Commander (USSTRATCOM) |
JFSOCC | joint force special operations component commander |
JFTR | joint Federal travel regulations |
JFUB | joint facilities utilization board |
JG | joint guide |
JGWE | joint global warning enterprise |
JHNS | Joint Hometown News Service |
JHSV | joint high-speed vessel |
JIA | joint individual augmentation; joint individual augmentee |
JIACG | joint interagency coordination group |
JIATF | joint interagency task force |
JIATF-S | Joint Interagency Task Force-South |
JIATF-W | Joint Interagency Task Force-West |
JIC | joint information center |
JICC | joint interface control cell |
JICO | joint interface control officer |
JIDC | joint interrogation and debriefing center |
JIDO | Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (DTRA) |
JIEE | Joint Information Exchange Environment |
JIEP | joint intelligence estimate for planning |
JIMB | joint information management board |
JIMPP | joint industrial mobilization planning process |
JIO | joint interrogation operations |
JIOC | joint intelligence operations center |
JIOCPAC | Joint Intelligence Operations Center, Pacific |
JIOC-SOUTH | Joint Intelligence Operations Center, South |
JIOC-TRANS | Joint Intelligence Operations CenterTransportation (USTRANSCOM) |
JIOWC | Joint Information Operations Warfare Center |
JIPCL | joint integrated prioritized collection list |
JIPOE | joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment |
JIPTL | joint integrated prioritized target list |
JIS | joint information system |
JISE | joint intelligence support element |
JITF-CT | Joint Intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism |
JIVU | Joint Intelligence Virtual University |
JKnIFE | Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Knowledge and Information Fusion Exchange |
JLB | joint logistics board |
JLCC | joint lighterage control center; joint logistics coordination center |
JLE | joint logistics environment |
JLEnt | joint logistics enterprise |
JLLIS | Joint Lessons Learned Information System |
JLLP | Joint Lessons Learned Program |
JLOA | joint logistics over-the-shore operation area |
JLOC | joint logistics operations center |
JLOTS | joint logistics over-the-shore |
JLRC | joint logistics readiness center |
JLSB | joint line of communications security board |
JLSE | joint legal support element |
JLSG | joint logistic support group |
JMAC | Joint Mortuary Affairs Center (USA) |
JMAO | joint mortuary affairs office |
JMAR | joint medical asset repository |
JMAT | joint medical analysis tool |
JMC | joint movement center |
JMCG | joint movement control group |
JMD | joint manning document |
JMEEL | joint mission-essential equipment list |
JMEM | Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual |
JMET | joint mission-essential task |
JMETL | joint mission-essential task list |
JMIC | joint modular intermodal container |
JMICS | Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System mobile integrated communications system |
JMIE | joint maritime information element |
JMIP | joint military intelligence program |
JMISTF | joint military information support task force |
JMITC | Joint Military Intelligence Training Center |
JMMT | joint military mail terminal |
JMO | joint maritime operations; joint meteorological and oceanographic officer; joint munitions office |
JMOC | joint medical operations center |
JMP | joint manpower program |
JMPA | joint military postal activity |
JMPAB | Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board |
JMPS | Joint Mission Planning System |
JMPT | Joint Medical Planning Tool |
JMRR | Joint Monthly Readiness Review |
JMTCA | joint munitions transportation coordinating activity |
JMUA | Joint Meritorious Unit Award |
JMWG | joint medical working group |
JNCC | joint network operations control center |
JNMS | joint network management system |
JNSC | Joint Navigation Warfare Center Navigation Warfare Support Cell |
JNWC | Joint Navigation Warfare Center |
JOA | joint operations area |
JOAF | joint operations area forecast |
JOC | joint operations center |
JOCC | joint operations command center |
JOERAD | joint spectrum center ordnance electromagnetic environmental effects risk assessment database |
JOG | joint operations graphic |
JOPES | Joint Operation Planning and Execution System |
JOPG | joint operations planning group |
JOPPA | joint operation planning process for air |
JOSE | Joint Operations Security Support Element (Joint Staff) |
JOTC | joint operations tasking center |
JP | joint publication |
JP4 | jet propulsion fuel, type 4 |
JP5 | jet propulsion fuel, type 5 |
JP8 | jet propulsion fuel, type 8 |
JPAC | joint planning augmentation cell; Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command |
JPADS | joint precision airdrop system |
JPAG | Joint Planning Advisory Group |
JPARR | joint personnel accountability reconciliation and reporting |
JPASE | joint public affairs support element; Joint Public Affairs Support Element (USTRANSCOM) |
JPC | joint postal cell |
JPEC | joint planning and execution community |
JPED | joint personal effects depot |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
JPERSTAT | joint personnel status and casualty report |
JPG | joint planning group |
JPME | joint professional military education |
JPMRC | joint patient movement requirements center |
JPN | joint planning network |
JPO | joint petroleum office; Joint Program Office |
JPOC | joint personnel operations center; joint planning orientation course |
JPP | joint planning process |
JPPC | joint personnel processing center |
JPRA | Joint Personnel Recovery Agency |
JPRC | joint personnel recovery center |
JPSE | Joint Planning Support Element (USTRANSCOM) |
JPTTA | joint personnel training and tracking activity |
JRC | joint reconnaissance center |
JRCC | joint reception coordination center |
JRERP | Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan |
JRFL | joint restricted frequency list |
JRIC | joint reserve intelligence center |
JRIP | Joint Reserve Intelligence Program |
JROC | Joint Requirements Oversight Council |
JRRB | joint requirements review board |
JRS | joint reporting structure |
JRSOI | joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration |
JRTC | joint readiness training center |
JS | Joint Staff |
JSA | joint security area |
JSAM | Joint Service Achievement Medal |
JSAP | Joint Staff action processing |
JSC | joint security coordinator; Joint Spectrum Center |
JSCC | joint security coordination center |
JSCM | Joint Service Commendation Medal |
JSDS | Joint Staff doctrine sponsor |
JSETS | Joint Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking Electronic Tracking System |
JSF | joint support force |
JSHO | joint shipboard helicopter operations |
JSIR | joint spectrum interference resolution |
JSIVA | Joint Staff Integrated Vulnerability Assessment |
JSME | joint spectrum management element |
JSO | joint security operations |
JSOA | joint special operations area |
JSOAC | joint special operations air component; joint special operations aviation component |
JSOACC | joint special operations air component commander |
JSOC | joint special operations command |
JSOTF | joint special operations task force |
JSOU | Joint Special Operations University |
JSPA | joint satellite communications panel administrator |
JSPOC | Joint Space Operations Center |
JSPS | Joint Strategic Planning System |
JSR | joint strategy review |
JSTARS | Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System |
JSTO | joint space tasking order |
JTA | joint technical architecture |
JTAC | joint terminal attack controller |
JTAIC | Joint Technical Analysis and Integration Cell (USA) |
JTAR | joint tactical air strike request |
JTB | Joint Transportation Board |
JTCB | joint targeting coordination board |
JTCC | joint transportation coordination center |
JTCG/ME | Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness |
JTCOIC | Joint Training Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Operations Integration Center |
JTD | joint table of distribution |
JTF | joint task force |
JTF-AK | Joint Task Force-Alaska |
JTFCEM | joint task force contingency engineering management |
JTF-CM | joint task force - consequence management |
JTF-CS | Joint Task Force-Civil Support |
JTF-E | Joint Task Force-East (DHS) |
JTF-GNO | Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations |
JTF-HD | Joint Task Force-Homeland Defense |
JTF-I | Joint Task Force-Investigations (DHS) |
JTF-MAO | joint task force - mortuary affairs office |
JTF-N | Joint Task Force-North |
JTF-PO | joint task force-port opening |
JTF-State | joint task force-state |
JTF-W | Joint Task Force-West (DHS) |
JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System |
JTL | joint target list |
JTLM | joint theater logistics management |
JTMD | joint table of mobilization and distribution; Joint Terminology Master Database |
JTMS | joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule |
JTP | joint test publication; joint training plan |
JTR | Joint Travel Regulations |
JTS | Joint Training System |
JTSCC | joint theater support contracting command |
JTTF | joint terrorism task force |
JTWG | joint targeting working group |
JU | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System unit |
JUH-MTF | Joint User Handbook-Message Text Formats |
JUIC | joint unit identification code |
JUO | joint urban operation |
JUON | joint urgent operational need |
JVB | joint visitors bureau |
JWAC | Joint Warfare Analysis Center |
JWG | joint working group |
JWICS | Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System |
K | |
k | thousand |
Ka | Kurtz-above band |
kbps | kilobits per second |
kg | kilogram |
K-Kill | catastrophic kill |
KLE | key leader engagement |
km | kilometer |
kph | kilometers per hour |
KQ ID | tactical location identifier |
KS | knowledge sharing |
kt | kiloton(s); knot (nautical miles per hour) |
Ku | Kurtz-under band |
kW | kilowatt |
L | |
LA | lead agent; legal adviser |
LAD | latest arrival date; launch area denied |
LAN | local area network |
LARC | lighter, amphibious resupply, cargo |
LARC-V | lighter, amphibious resupply, cargo, 5 ton |
LASH | lighter aboard ship |
LAV | light armored vehicle |
lb | pound |
lbs. | pounds |
LC | legal counsel |
LCAC | landing craft, air cushion |
LCADS | low-cost aerial delivery system |
LCC | amphibious command ship; land component commander; lighterage control center |
LCE | logistics combat element (USMC) |
LCM | landing craft, mechanized; letter-class mail; life-cycle management |
LCO | landing craft air cushion control officer |
LCP | lighterage control point |
LCS | landing craft air cushion control ship |
LCU | landing craft, utility |
LD | light damage; line of departure |
LDA | limited depository account |
LDF | local defense force |
LDO | laser designator operator |
LDR | low data rate |
LE | law enforcement; low-order explosives |
LEA | law enforcement agency |
LEC | lead environmental component |
LED | light emitting diode |
LEDET | law enforcement detachment (USCG) |
LEGAT | legal attaché |
LEIP | Law Enforcement Intelligence Program (USCG) |
LEMP | low-altitude electromagnetic pulse |
LEO | law enforcement operations; low Earth orbit |
LEP | law enforcement professional |
L-EWE | land-electronic warfare element |
LF | landing force |
LFA | lead federal agency |
LFOC | landing force operations center |
LFORM | landing force operational reserve material |
LFSP | landing force support party |
LG | deputy chief of staff for logistics |
LGB | laser-guided bomb |
LGM | laser-guided missile; loop group multiplexer |
LGW | laser-guided weapon |
LHA | amphibious assault ship (general purpose) |
LHD | amphibious assault ship (multipurpose) |
LIDAR | light detection and ranging |
LIMDIS | limited distribution |
LIPS | Logistics Information Processing System |
LJDAM | laser-guided joint direct attack munition |
LL | lessons learned |
LLLTV | low-light level television |
LLTR | low-level transit route |
LM | light maneuver |
LMARS | Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting System |
LMSR | large, medium-speed roll-on/roll-off |
LN | lead nation; local national |
LNI | Library of National Intelligence |
LNO | liaison officer |
LOA | letter of assist; letter of authorization; letter of offer and acceptance; logistics over-the-shore operation area |
LOAC | law of armed conflict |
LOAL | lock-on after launch |
LOBL | lock-on before launch |
LOC | line of communications |
LOD | line of departure |
LOE | letter of evaluation; line of effort |
LOG | logistics |
LOGCAP | logistics civil augmentation program (USA) |
LOI | letter of instruction |
LO/LO | lift-on/lift-off |
LOMEZ | low-altitude missile engagement zone |
LOO | line of operation |
LOR | launch on remote |
LO/RO | lift-on/roll-off |
LOS | line of sight |
LOTS | logistics over-the-shore |
LOX | liquid oxygen |
LPD | amphibious transport dock; low probability of detection |
LPI | low probability of intercept |
LRC | logistics readiness center |
LRF | laser range finder |
LRN | Laboratory Response Network (DHHS) |
LRO | lighterage repair officer |
LRP | load and roll pallet |
LRST | long-range surveillance team |
LRT | logistics response time |
LSA | logistic support analysis; logistics supportability analysis |
LSC | lead Service for contracting |
LSCC | lead Service for contracting coordination |
LSD | dock landing ship |
LSE | landing signalman enlisted; logistic support element |
LSO | landing signals officer |
LSS | laser spot search; logistics support system; low, slow, and small |
LSSS | logistics support, supplies, and services |
LST | laser spot tracker |
LSV | logistics support vessel |
LT | long ton |
LTD | laser target designator |
LTF | logistics task force |
LTIOV | latest time information is of value |
LTL | laser-to-target line |
LZ | landing zone |
M | |
M | million |
M&E | monitoring and evaluation |
MA | mortuary affairs |
MAAP | master air attack plan |
MAC | mobility assault company |
MACB | multinational acquisition and contracting board |
MACCS | Marine air command and control system |
MACG | Marine air control group |
MACP | mortuary affairs collection point |
MACRMS | mortuary affairs contaminated remains mitigation site |
MACS | Marine air control squadron |
MAF | mobility air forces |
MAG | Marine aircraft group; maritime assessment group; military assignment group |
MAGTF | Marine air-ground task force |
MAJCOM | major command (USAF) |
MANPADS | man-portable air defense system |
MAOC-N | Maritime Analysis and Operations Center-Narcotics |
MARAD | Maritime Administration |
MARAD RRF | Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force |
MARCORLOGCOM | Marine Corps Logistics Command |
MARDIV | Marine division |
MARFOR | Marine forces |
MARFOR NORTHCOM | Marine Forces Northern Command |
MARFORSOC | Marine Forces Special Operations Command |
MARFOR STRATCOM | Marine Forces Strategic Command |
MARINCEN | Maritime Intelligence Center |
Marine TACC | Marine Corps tactical air command center |
MARLE | Marine liaison element |
MARO | mass atrocity response operations |
MARPOL | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships |
MARS | Military Auxiliary Radio System |
MARSOF | Marine special operations forces |
MARTS | Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System |
MAS | maritime air support |
MASF | mobile aeromedical staging facility |
MASINT | measurement and signature intelligence |
MASLO | measurement and signature intelligence liaison officer |
MAST | mobile ashore support terminal |
MAW | Marine aircraft wing |
MAXORD | maximum ordinate |
Mbps | megabytes per second |
MC | Military Committee (NATO); mission-critical; mobile communications |
MC4EB | Military Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Executive Board |
MCA | mail control activity; military civic action; movement control agency |
MCAG | maritime civil affairs group |
MCAS | Marine Corps air station |
MCAST | maritime civil affairs and security training |
MCAT | maritime civil affairs team |
MCB | movement control battalion |
MCC | military coordinating committee; military counterintelligence collections; mission control center; mobility control center; movement control center |
MCCC | Marine Corps component command |
MCCDC | Marine Corps Combat Development Command |
MCD | medical crew director |
MCDP | Marine Corps doctrinal publication |
MCEB | Military Communications-Electronics Board |
MCESG | Marine Corps Embassy Security Group |
MC/FI | mass casualty/fatality incident |
MCI | multinational communications integration |
MCIA | Marine Corps Intelligence Activity |
MCIO | military criminal investigative organization |
MCIOC | Marine Corps Information Operations Center |
MCIP | Marine Corps interim publication; military customs inspection program |
MCISRE | Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise |
MCM | maneuver control measure; Manual for Courts-Martial; military committee memorandum (memorandum issued in the name of the Chairman); mine countermeasures |
MCMC | mine countermeasures commander |
MCMO | medical civil-military operations |
MCMOPS | mine countermeasures operations |
MCMREP | mine countermeasure report |
MCMRON | mine countermeasures squadron |
MCO | major combat operation; Mapping Customer Operations (Defense Logistics Agency); Marine Corps order |
MCOO | modified combined obstacle overlay |
MCRP | Marine Corps reference publication |
MCS | modular causeway system |
MCSB | Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion |
MCSFR | Marine Corps Security Forces Regiment |
MCT | movement control team |
MCTOG | Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group |
MCTP | Marine Corps tactical publication |
MCWL | Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory |
MCWP | Marine Corps warfighting publication |
MCX | Marine Corps Exchange |
MD | missile defense; moderate damage |
MDA | maritime domain awareness; Missile Defense Agency |
MDBS | medical detachment, blood support |
MDCO | Military Department counterintelligence organization |
MDDOC | Marine air-ground task force deployment and distribution operations center |
MDIOC | Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center (MDA) |
MDM | maritime defense measure |
MDMA | methylenedioxymethamphetamine |
MDO | military deception officer |
MDRO | mission disaster response officer |
MDS | Message Dissemination Subsystem; mobile diving and salvage |
MDSS II | Marine Air-Ground Task Force Deployment Support System II |
MDSU | mobile diving and salvage unit |
MEA | munitions effect assessment; munitions effectiveness assessment |
MEB | maneuver enhancement brigade; Marine expeditionary brigade |
ME/C | medical examiner and/or coroner |
MEDCC | medical coordination cell |
MEDCOM | US Army Medical Command |
MEDCOM (DS) | medical command (deployment support) (USA) |
MEDEVAC | medical evacuation |
MEDINT | medical intelligence |
MEDLOG | medical logistics |
MEDLOG support | medical logistics support |
MEDNEO | medical noncombatant evacuation operation |
MEF | Marine expeditionary force |
MEJA | Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act |
MEO | medium Earth orbit; military equal opportunity |
MEP | mobile electric power |
MESF | maritime expeditionary security force |
MESFC | maritime expeditionary security force commander |
MESO | maritime expeditionary security operations |
MET | mobile environmental team |
METCON | control of meteorological information (roughly translated from French) |
METL | mission-essential task list |
METOC | meteorological and oceanographic |
METSAT | meteorological satellite |
METT-T | mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available |
METT-TC | mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations (USA) |
MEU | Marine expeditionary unit |
MEVA | mission essential vulnerable area |
MEZ | missile engagement zone |
MF | mobile facility |
MFC | multinational force commander |
MFE | mobile field exchange |
MFO | multinational force and observers |
MGRS | military grid reference system |
MGW | maximum gross weight |
MHD | maritime homeland defense |
MHE | materials handling equipment |
MHS | maritime homeland security; Military Health System |
MHz | megahertz |
MI | military intelligence; movement instructions |
MIA | missing in action |
MIB | Military Intelligence Board |
MIC | Multinational Interoperability Council |
MIDAS | model for intertheater deployment by air and sea |
MIDB | modernized integrated database; modernized intelligence database |
MIFC | maritime intelligence fusion center (USCG) |
MILAIR | military airlift |
MILALOC | military air line of communications |
MILCO | minelike contact |
MILCON | military construction |
MILDEC | military deception |
MILDEP | Military Department |
MILSATCOM | military satellite communications |
MILSPEC | military specification |
MILSTAMP | military standard transportation and movement procedures |
MIL-STD | military standard |
MILSTRAP | military standard transaction reporting and accounting procedure |
MILSTRIP | military standard requisitioning and issue procedure |
MILTECH | military technician |
MILU | multinational integrated logistic unit |
MIMP | Mobilization Information Management Plan |
MIO | maritime interception operations |
MIOC | maritime interception operations commander |
MIP | military intelligence program |
MIPOE | medical intelligence preparation of the operational environment |
MIPR | military interdepartmental purchase request |
MIR | multisensor imagery reconnaissance |
MIRCS | mobile integrated remains collection system |
MIS | military information support |
MISG | military information support group |
MISO | military information support operations |
MISREP | mission report |
MIST | mechanism of injury, injury type, signs, treatment; military information support team |
MISTF | military information support task force |
MITAM | mission tasking matrix |
MIW | mine warfare |
MIWC | mine warfare commander |
MIWG | multinational interoperability working group |
MJLC | multinational joint logistic center |
M-Kill | mobility kill |
MLA | mission load allowance |
MLEA | Maritime Law Enforcement Academy |
MLEM | Maritime Law Enforcement Manual |
MLG | Marine logistics group |
MLI | munitions list item |
MLMC | medical logistics management center |
MLP | mobile landing platform |
MLRS | multiple launch rocket system |
MLS | multilevel security |
MLSA | mutual logistics support agreement |
MLW | mean low water |
MMAC | military mine action center |
MMG | Department of Defense Master Mobilization Guide |
MMIM | Modeled Meteorological Information Manager |
MMS | marine mammal system |
MNC | multinational corporation |
MNCC | multinational coordination center |
MNEODCC | multinational explosives ordnance disposal control center |
MNF | multinational force |
MNFACC | multinational force air component commander |
MNFC | multinational force commander |
MNFLCC | multinational force land component commander |
MNFMCC | multinational force maritime component commander |
MNFSOCC | multinational force special operations component commander |
MNJLC | multinational joint logistics component |
MNL | master net list; multinational logistics |
MNLC | multinational logistic center |
MNTF | multinational task force |
MOA | memorandum of agreement |
MOB | main operating base; mobilization |
MOBREP | military manpower mobilization and accession status report; mobilization report |
MOC | maritime operations center; media operations center |
MOD | ministry of defense; modification |
Mod | model |
MODA | ministry of defense advisor |
MOE | measure of effectiveness |
MOEI | measure of effectiveness indicator |
MOG | maximum (aircraft) on ground |
MOGAS | motor gasoline |
MOMAT | mobility matting |
MOP | measure of performance; memorandum of policy |
MOPP | mission-oriented protective posture |
MOS | military occupational specialty |
MOTR | maritime operational threat response |
MOU | memorandum of understanding |
MOVREP | movement report |
MP | military police (USA and USMC); multinational publication |
MPA | maritime patrol aircraft; mission planning agent |
MPAT | military patient administration team; Multinational Planning Augmentation Team |
MPE/S | maritime pre-positioning equipment and supplies |
MPF | maritime pre-positioning force |
MPFUB | maritime pre-positioning force utility boat |
mph | miles per hour |
MPICE | measuring progress in conflict environments |
MPNTP | Master Positioning Navigation and Timing Plan |
MPO | military post office |
MPP | maritime procedural publication |
MPR | maritime patrol and reconnaissance |
MPS | maritime pre-positioning ship; Military Planning Service (UN); Military Postal Service |
MPSA | Military Postal Service Agency |
MPSRON | maritime pre-positioning ships squadron |
MPTk | Medical Planners Toolkit |
MR | milliradian |
MRAT | medical radiobiology advisory team |
MRBM | medium-range ballistic missile |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRO | mass rescue operation; materiel release order; medical regulating office; medical regulating officer |
MRR | Marine Raider Regiment; minimum-risk route |
MRS | measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) requirements system |
MRT | maintenance recovery team |
MRX | mission readiness exercise |
MS | Microsoft |
MSA | Maritime Security Act |
MSC | major subordinate command; Military Sealift Command |
MSCA | military support to civilian authorities |
MSCAT | maritime security center augment team |
MSCO | Military Sealift Command Office |
MSD | mobile security division |
MSE | mission support element |
MSF | mission support force; mobile security force |
MSG | Marine security guard; message |
MSGID | message identification |
MSHARPP | mission, symbolism, history, accessibility, recognizability, population, and proximity |
MSI | modified surface index |
MSIC | Missile and Space Intelligence Center |
MSL | mean sea level; military shipping label |
MSO | map support office; maritime security operations; military source operation; military strategic objective; military support operations |
MSOC | Marine special operations company |
MSOR | Marine Special Operations Regiment |
MSP | Maritime Security Program; mission support plan |
MSPA | Missing Service Personnel Act |
MSR | main supply route; mission support request |
MSRP | mission strategic resource plan |
MSRT | Maritime Security Response Team (USCG) |
MSST | maritime safety and security team |
MST | mission support team |
MTAB | Military Technical Acceptance Board |
MTAC | Multiple Threat Alert Center (DON) |
MT Bn | motor transport battalion |
MTCR | Missile Technology Control Regime |
mtDNA | mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid |
MTF | medical treatment facility; military information support operations task force |
MTFP | mission-tailored force package |
MTN | multi-tactical data link network |
MTO | mission type order |
MTON | measurement ton |
MTP | mission tasking packet |
MTS | Marine tactical system; Movement Tracking System |
MTT | mobile training team |
MTW | major theater war |
MUOS | Mobile Users Object System |
MUSE | mobile utilities support equipment |
MV | merchant vessel |
MWC | Missile Warning Center (NORAD) |
MWD | military working dog |
MWG | mobilization working group |
MWR | morale, welfare, and recreation |
MWSD | Marine wing support detachment |
MWSG | Marine wing support group |
MWSS | Marine wing support squadron |
MWT | modular warping tug |
N | |
N-2 | Director of Naval Intelligence; Navy component intelligence staff officer |
N-6 | Director of Naval Communications Networks |
NA5CRO | non-Article 5 crisis response operation (NATO) |
NAC | North Atlantic Council (NATO) |
NAD 83 | North American Datum 1983 |
NADR | nonproliferation, antiterrorism, demining, and related programs |
NAE | Navy acquisition executive |
NAEC-ENG | Naval Air Engineering Center - Engineering |
NAF | nonappropriated funds; numbered air force |
NAI | named area of interest |
NALC | Navy ammunition logistics code |
NALE | naval and amphibious liaison element |
NALSS | naval advanced logistic support site |
NAMS | National Air Mobility System |
NAR | nonconventional assisted recovery; notice of ammunition reclassification |
NARAC | national atmospheric release advisory capability; National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (DOE) |
NARP | Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures |
NAS | naval air station |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASIC | National Air and Space Intelligence Center |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NATOPS | Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization |
NAVAIDS | navigational aids |
NAVAIR | Naval Air Systems Command |
NAVCYBERFOR | Navy Cyber Forces |
NAVELSG | Navy expeditionary logistics support group |
NAVEODTECHDIV | Naval Explosives Ordnance Disposal Technology Division |
NAVFAC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NAVFACENGCOM | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NAVFAC EXWC | Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center |
NAVFOR | Navy forces |
NAVMED | Navy medicine |
NAVMTO | Navy Material Transportation Office |
NAVOCEANO | Naval Oceanographic Office |
NAVSAT | navigation satellite |
NAVSCOLEOD | Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
NAVSEA | Naval Sea Systems Command |
NAVSEAINST | Naval Sea Systems Command instruction |
NAVSOC | Naval Satellite Operations Center; naval special operations command |
NAVSOF | Navy special operations forces |
NAVSPACECOM | Naval Space Command |
NAVSPECWARCOM | Naval Special Warfare Command |
NAVSUP | Naval Supply Systems Command |
NAVWAR | navigation warfare |
NAWCAD | Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division |
Navy TACC | Navy tactical air control center |
NBC | nuclear, biological, and chemical |
NBG | naval beach group |
NBI | nonbattle injury |
NBVC | Naval Base Ventura County Agency |
NCAGS | naval cooperation and guidance for shipping |
NCAPS | naval coordination and protection of shipping |
NCB | noncompliant boarding |
NCC | Navy component command; Navy component commander |
NCCS | Nuclear Command and Control System |
NCDC | National Climatic Data Center |
NCES | Net-Centric Enterprise Services |
NCESGR | National Committee of Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve |
NCF | naval construction force |
NCG | naval construction group |
NCH | natural and cultural resources and historic properties (DOI) |
NCHB | Navy cargo-handling battalion |
NCIJTF-AG | National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force-Analytical Group (DOD) |
NCIS | Naval Criminal Investigative Service |
NCIX | National Counterintelligence Executive |
NCL | National System for Geospatial-Intelligence Consolidated Library |
NCMI | National Center for Medical Intelligence |
NCMP | Navy Capabilities and Mobilization Plan |
NCO | noncombat operations; noncommissioned officer |
NCOIC | noncommissioned officer in charge |
NCOS | naval control of shipping |
NCP | National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan |
NCPC | National Counterproliferation Center |
NCR | National Capital Region (US); National Security Agency/Central Security Service representative; naval construction regiment |
NCRCC | National Capital Region Coordination Center; United States Northern Command Rescue Coordination Center |
NCRDEF | national cryptologic representative defense |
NCR-IADS | National Capital Region-Integrated Air Defense System |
NCS | National Clandestine Service; National Communications System; net control station |
NCSC | National Counterintelligence and Security Center |
NCSD | National Cyber Security Division (DHS) |
NCTC | National Counterterrorism Center |
NDAA | national defense authorization act |
NDAF | Navy, Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force |
NDB | nondirectional beacon |
NDCS | National Drug Control Strategy |
NDDOC | North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command Deployment and Distribution Operations Cell |
NDHQ | National Defence Headquarters, Canada |
NDIC | National Defense Intelligence College |
NDMS | National Disaster Medical System (DHHS) |
NDP | national disclosure policy |
NDPC | National Disclosure Policy Committee |
NDRC | National Detainee Reporting Center |
NDRF | National Defense Reserve Fleet |
NDS | national defense strategy |
NDSF | National Defense Sealift Fund |
NDT | nuclear disablement team |
NDU | National Defense University |
NEA | Northeast Asia |
NEAT | naval embarked advisory team |
NEC | National Economic Council |
NECC | Navy Expeditionary Combat Command |
NEIC | Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command |
NELR | Navy expeditionary logistics regiment |
NEO | noncombatant evacuation operation |
NEOCC | noncombatant evacuation operation coordination center |
NEP | National Exercise Program |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NES | National Exploitation System |
NEST | nuclear emergency support team (DOE) |
NETWARCOM | Naval Network Warfare Command |
NEW | net explosive weight |
NFA | no-fire area |
NFC | numbered fleet commander |
NFELC | Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center |
NFESC | Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center |
NFI | national foreign intelligence |
NFIB | National Foreign Intelligence Board |
NFIP | National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA) |
NFLS | naval forward logistic site |
NG | National Guard |
NGA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency |
NGB | National Guard Bureau |
NGB-OC | National Guard Bureau-Office of the Chaplain |
NGCC | National Guard Coordination Center |
NGCDP | National Guard Counterdrug Program |
NGCDP-State | National Guard Counterdrug Program-state |
NGCSP | National Guard Counterdrug Support Program |
NGDS | Net-Centric Geospatial-Intelligence Discovery Services |
NGFS | naval gunfire support |
NGIC | National Ground Intelligence Center |
NG JFHQ-State | National Guard joint force headquarters-state |
NGLO | naval gunfire liaison officer |
NGO | nongovernmental organization |
NGP | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Program |
NHMD | National Human Intelligence Manager directive |
NIC | National Intelligence Council |
NICC | National Intelligence Coordination Center |
NICCL | National Incident Communications Conference Line |
NICCP | National Interdiction Command and Control Plan |
NIH | National Institutes of Health (DHHS) |
NIL | National Information Library |
NIM | national intelligence manager |
NIMS | National Incident Management System |
NIOC | Navy Information Operations Command |
NIP | National Intelligence Program |
NIPF | National Intelligence Priorities Framework |
NIPRNET | Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network |
NISP | national intelligence support plan |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NIT | nuclear incident team |
NITF | national imagery transmission format |
NJOIC | National Joint Operations and Intelligence Center |
NJTTF | National Joint Terrorism Task Force |
NLRP | nonlethal reference point |
NLT | not later than |
NLW | nonlethal weapon |
nm | nautical mile |
NMAWC | Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command |
NMC | Navy Munitions Command |
NMCB | naval mobile construction battalion |
NMCC | National Military Command Center |
NMCS | National Military Command System; not mission capable, supply |
NMCSO | Navy and Marine Corps spectrum office |
NMEC | National Media Exploitation Center |
NMIC | National Maritime Intelligence Center |
NMIO | National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office |
NMIST | National Military Intelligence Support Team (DIA) |
NMO | National Measurement and Signature Intelligence Office |
NMS | national military strategy |
NMSA | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Mutual Support Act |
NMSC | Navy and Marine Corps Spectrum Center |
NMS-CO | National Military Strategy for Cyberspace Operations |
NMS-CWMD | National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction |
NMSP-WOT | National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism |
NMT | national mission team |
NNSA | National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE) |
NNWC | Naval Network Warfare Command |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC) |
NOACT | Navy overseas air cargo terminal |
NOC | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Operation Center; National Operations Center (DHS); network operations center |
NOE | nap-of-the-earth |
NOFORN | not releasable to foreign nationals |
NOK | next of kin |
NOLSC | Naval Operational Logistics Support Center |
NOMWC | Navy Oceanographic Mine Warfare Center |
non-CAAF | contractors not authorized to accompany the force |
NORAD | North American Aerospace Defense Command |
NOSC | network operations and security center |
NOSSA | Navy Ordnance Safety and Security Activity |
NOTAM | notice to airmen |
NPF | national planning framework |
NPPD | National Protection and Programs Directorate (DHS) |
NPS | National Park Service; nonprior service |
NPT | Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons |
NRAT | nuclear/radiological advisory team |
NRC | National Response Center (USCG); non-unit-related cargo |
NRCHB | Naval Reserve cargo-handling battalion |
NRF | National Response Framework |
NRG | notional requirements generator |
NRO | National Reconnaissance Office |
NRP | non-unit-related personnel |
NRT | near real time |
NSA | National Security Agency; national shipping authority; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Standardization Agency |
NSABB | National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NIH) |
NSA/CSS | National Security Agency/Central Security Service |
NSARC | National Search and Rescue Committee |
NSAT | United States Northern Command situational awareness team |
NSAWC | Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSC/DC | National Security Council/Deputies Committee |
NSC/IPC | National Security Council/interagency policy committee |
NSC/PC | National Security Council/Principals Committee |
NSCS | National Security Council System |
NSD | National Security Directive; National Security Division (FBI) |
NSDD | national security decision directive |
NSDM | national security decision memorandum |
NSE | national support element; Navy support element |
NS/EP | national security and emergency preparedness |
NSF | national security forces; National Strike Force (USCG) |
NSFS | naval surface fire support |
NSG | National System for Geospatial Intelligence |
NSHS | National Strategy for Homeland Security |
NSL | no-strike list |
NSMS | National Strategy for Maritime Security |
NSN | national stock number |
NSOC | National Security Operations Center |
NSP | National Search and Rescue Plan |
NSPD | national security Presidential directive |
NSPI | National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza |
NSPM | national security Presidential memorandum |
NSS | National Search and Rescue Supplement; national security strategy; national security system |
NSSE | national special security event |
NST | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency support team; national support team |
NSTAC | National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee |
NSTS | National Secure Telephone System |
NSW | naval special warfare |
NSWCDD | Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division |
NSWC IHEODTD | Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division |
NSWTF | naval special warfare task force |
NSWTG | naval special warfare task group |
NSWTU | naval special warfare task unit |
NTA | nontraditional agent |
NTACS | Navy tactical air control system |
NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information Administration (DOC) |
NTM | national or multinational technical means of verification; notice to mariners |
NTRP | Navy tactical reference publication |
NTS | noncombatant evacuation operation tracking system |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NTTP | Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures |
NUC | non-unit-related cargo |
NUFEA | Navy-unique fleet essential aircraft |
NURP | non-unit-related personnel |
NVD | night vision device |
NVDT | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency voluntary deployment team |
NVG | night vision goggle |
NVOAD | National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster |
NWDC | Navy Warfare Development Command |
NWP | Navy warfare publication |
NWS | National Weather Service |
NZ | New Zealand |
O | |
1MC | general announcing system |
1NCD | 1st Naval Construction Division |
O&I | operations and intelligence |
O&M | operation and maintenance |
OA | objective area; operational area |
OAE | operational area evaluation |
OAF | Operation ALLIED FORCE |
OAFME | Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner |
OAI | oceanographic area of interest |
OAM | Office of Air and Marine (DHS) |
OAP | offset aimpoint |
OAS | offensive air support; Organization of American States |
OASD | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense |
OASD(NII/CIO) | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration/Chief Information Officer) |
OASD(PA) | Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs |
OASD(RA) | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) |
OAU | Organization of African Unity |
O/B | outboard |
OB | order of battle |
OBA | Office of Biotechnology Activities (NIH); oxygen breathing apparatus |
OBFS | offshore bulk fuel system |
OBIM | Office of Biometric Identity Management (DHS) |
OBP | object-based production |
OC | operations center |
OCA | offensive counterair; operational control authority |
OCBD | Office of Capacity Building and Development (USDA) |
OCCA | ocean cargo clearance authority |
OCDETF | Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force |
OCHA | Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs |
OCIE | organizational clothing and individual equipment |
OCJCS | Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
OCO | offensive cyberspace operations; offload control officer |
OCONUS | outside the continental United States |
OCP | operational capability package |
OCS | operational contract support |
OCSIC | operational contract support integration cell |
OCU | offload control unit |
ODC | Office of Defense Cooperation |
ODCSLOG | Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (USA) |
ODNI | Office of the Director of National Intelligence |
OE | operational environment |
OE&AS | organization for embarkation and assignment to shipping |
OEBGD | Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document |
OEC | Office of Emergency Communications (DHS) |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OEG | operational experts group; operational exposure guidance; operations security executive group |
OEH | occupational and environmental health |
OER | officer evaluation report |
OES | office of emergency services |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury) |
OFCO | offensive counterintelligence operation |
OFDA | Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID) |
OHDACA | Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (DSCA) |
OHDM | Office of Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and Mine Action |
OI | operating instruction; operational interest |
OIA | Office of Insular Affairs (DOI); Office of International Affairs (Treasury) |
OIC | officer in charge |
OICC | officer in charge of construction |
OIIL | Office of Intelligence and Investigative Liaison (CBP) |
OIR | other intelligence requirements |
OJT | on-the-job training |
OLEM | Office of Land and Emergency Management (EPA) |
OMA | Office of Military Affairs (CIA and USAID) |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OMC | Office of Military Cooperation |
OMSPH | Office of Medicine, Science, and Public Health (DHHS) |
ONDCP | Office of National Drug Control Policy |
ONE | Operation NOBLE EAGLE |
ONI | Office of Naval Intelligence |
OOB | order of battle |
OOD | officer of the deck |
OODA | observe, orient, decide, act |
OOS | out of service |
OP | observation post; ordnance publication |
OPC | Ocean Prediction Center (DOC) |
OPCON | operational control |
OPDAT | Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training (DOJ) |
OPDEC | operational deception |
OPDS | offshore petroleum discharge system (USN) |
OPDS-Future | offshore petroleum discharge system-future (USN) |
OPDS-L | offshore petroleum discharge system-legacy (USN) |
OPE | operational preparation of the environment |
OPELINT | operational electronic intelligence |
OPEO | Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations (DHHS) |
OPFOR | opposing force; opposition force |
OPG | operations planning group |
OPGEN | operation general matter |
OPIR | overhead persistent infrared |
OPLAN | operation plan |
OPLAW | operational law |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management |
OPMG | Office of the Provost Marshal General |
OPNAV | Office of the Chief of Naval Operations |
OPNAVINST | Chief of Naval Operations instruction |
OPORD | operation order |
OPP | off-load preparation party; orderwire patch panel |
OPR | office of primary responsibility |
OPREP | operational report |
OPROJ | operational project |
OPS | operational project stock |
OPSDEPS | Service Operations Deputies |
OPSEC | operations security |
OPSTK | operational stock |
OPT | operational planning team |
OPTAR | operating target |
OPTASK | operational tasking (message); operation task |
OPTASK AMPHIB | operational tasking amphibious message |
OPTASKLINK | operations task link |
OPTEMPO | operating tempo |
OR | operational readiness |
ORBAT | order of battle |
ORD | Office of Research and Development (EPA) |
ORM | operational risk management |
ORP | ocean reception point |
ORS | operationally responsive space |
ORSA | operations research and systems analysis |
OS | operating stocks; operating system |
OSA | operational support airlift |
OSC | offensive space control; on-scene commander; on-site commander; Open Source Center (CIA) |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
OSD | Office of the Secretary of Defense |
OSD/DMDPO | Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Military Deception Program Office |
OSE | operations support element |
OSEI | operational significant event imagery |
OSINT | open-source information; open-source intelligence |
OSM | Office of Spectrum Management (NTIA) |
OSOCC | on-site operations coordination center |
OSR | on-station report |
OT&E | operational test and evaluation |
OTA | Office of Technical Assistance (Treasury) |
OTC | officer in tactical command; over the counter |
OTERA | organize, train, equip, rebuild/build, and advise |
OTH | over the horizon |
OTI | Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID) |
OUB | offshore petroleum discharge system utility boat |
OUSD | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense |
OUSD(A&S) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment |
OUSD(C) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) |
OUSD(C/CFO) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer) |
OUSD(I) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) |
OUSD(P) | Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy |
OWS | operational weather squadron |
P | |
P | publication |
PA | physician assistant; primary agency; probability of arrival; public affairs |
PACAF | Pacific Air Forces |
PAD | patient administration director |
PADD | person authorized to direct disposition of human remains |
PAG | public affairs guidance |
PALCON | pallet container |
PAM | preventive and aerospace medicine |
PaM | passage material |
PAO | public affairs office; public affairs officer |
PAR | population at risk |
PARS | Personnel and Accountability System |
PAWS | phased array warning system |
PAX | passengers; public affairs plans |
PB | peace building |
PB4T | planning board for training |
PBA | performance-based agreement; production base analysis |
PBIED | person-borne improvised explosive device |
PBOS | Planning Board for Ocean Shipping |
PBR | program and budget review |
PC | patrol craft; preliminary coordination; Principals Committee |
PC&S | post, camp, and station |
PCA | Posse Comitatus Act |
PCASS | Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System |
PCC | police contributing country; policy coordination committee |
PCO | primary control officer; procuring contracting officer |
PCOF | Patient Condition Occurrence Frequency |
PCRTS | primary casualty receiving and treatment ship |
PCS | permanent change of station; primary control ship |
PCTC | pure car and truck carrier |
PD | position description; priority designator; probability of damage; probability of detection; program directive |
PDA | preliminary damage assessment |
PDAL | prioritized defended asset list |
PDC | Pacific Disaster Center |
PDD | Presidential decision directive |
portable data file | |
PDSS | predeployment site survey |
PDT | partnership development team |
PDUSD(A&S) | Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment |
PDUSD(P&R) | Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) |
PE | personal effects; preparation of the environment; program element |
PECC | patient evacuation coordination cell |
PED | processing, exploitation, and dissemination |
PEO | peace enforcement operations; program executive office |
PEP | personnel exchange program |
PERMA | planning, embarkation, rehearsal, movement, and action |
PERMREP | permanent representative (NATO) |
PERSCO | personnel support for contingency operations |
PFA | primary federal agency |
PFDB | planning factors database |
PFG | Preferred Force Generation |
PFO | principal federal official |
PfP | Partnership for Peace (NATO) |
PGI | procedures, guidance, and information |
PGM | precision-guided munition |
PHEO | public health emergency officer |
PHIBCB | amphibious construction battalion |
PHIBOP | amphibious operation |
PHIBRON | amphibious squadron |
PHIT | port handling/in-land transportation |
PI | pandemic influenza; point of impact; purposeful interference |
Pi | probability of incapacitation |
PI&ID | pandemic influenza and infectious disease |
PIAB | Presidents Intelligence Advisory Board |
PIC | payment in cash |
PID | positive identification |
PII | pre-incident indicators |
PIO | public information officer |
PIR | priority intelligence requirement |
PIREP | pilot report |
PIRT | purposeful interference response team |
PISA | post isolation support activity |
PIT | platform information technology |
PIU | patient isolation unit |
PJ | pararescue jumper |
PK | probability of kill |
PKB | purple kill box |
PKO | peacekeeping operations |
PKSOI | Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute |
PL | phase line |
PLA | post-launch abort |
PLAD | plain language address directory |
PLANORD | planning order |
PLB | personal locator beacon |
PLS | palletized load system |
PLT | platoon |
PM | Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (DOS); patient movement; peacemaking; preventive medicine; program management; program manager; provost marshal |
PMA | political/military assessment |
PMC | passenger, mail, and cargo; private military company |
PMCF | post maintenance check flight |
PME | professional military education |
PMESII | political, military, economic, social, information, and infrastructure |
PMGM | program managers guidance memorandum |
PMI | patient movement item; prevention of mutual interference |
PMI-ATS | Patient Movement Items-Asset Tracking System |
PMITS | Patient Movement Item Tracking System |
PMO | production management office(r); program management office |
PMR | patient movement request; patient movement requirement |
PMRC | patient movement requirements center |
PN | partner nation |
PNA | postal net alert |
PNT | positioning, navigation, and timing |
PO | peace operations; petty officer |
POA | plan of action |
POB | persons on board |
POC | point of contact |
POCD | port operations cargo detachment |
POD | plan of the day; port of debarkation; probability of detection |
POE | port of embarkation; port of entry |
POES | polar operational environment satellite |
POF | priority of fires |
POG | port operations group; psychological operations group |
POI | person of interest; point of injury |
POL | petroleum, oils, and lubricants |
POLAD | policy advisor; political advisor |
POLCAP | bulk petroleum capabilities report |
POLMIL | political-military |
POM | program objective memorandum |
PORTSIM | port simulation model |
POS | point of sale; Point-of-Service; probability of success |
POTUS | President of the United States |
POV | privately owned vehicle |
POW | prisoner of war |
POW/MIA | prisoner of war/missing in action |
PPAG | proposed public affairs guidance |
PPBE | Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution |
PPD | Presidential policy directive |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPF | personnel processing file |
PPLI | precise participant location and identification |
PPTO | petroleum pipeline and terminal operating |
PPW | patient protective wrap |
PR | personnel recovery; Phoenix Raven; production requirement; program review |
PRA | patient reception area; primary review authority |
PRC | populace and resources control; Presidential Reserve Call- up; primary receiving center |
PRCC | personnel recovery coordination cell; personnel recovery coordination center |
PRCS | personnel recovery coordination section |
PRD | personnel readiness division; Presidential review directive |
PRDO | personnel recovery duty officer |
PREPO | pre-positioned force, equipment, or supplies; pre- positioning |
PREREP | pre-arrival report |
PRF | pulse repetition frequency |
PRG | personnel recovery guidance |
PRIFLY | primary flight control |
Prime BEEF | prime base engineer emergency force |
PRISM | Planning Tool for Resource, Integration, Synchronization, and Management |
PRM | Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (DOS) |
PRMS | personnel recovery mission software |
PRMx | production requirements matrix |
PROVORG | providing organization |
PRP | Personnel Retrieval and Processing |
PRRP | personnel recovery reference product |
PRT | patient reception team; provincial reconstruction team |
PRTF | personnel recovery task force |
PS | port security |
PSA | port support activity; principal staff assistant |
PSC | private security contractor |
PSD | port security detachment |
PSI | Proliferation Security Initiative |
psi | pounds per square inch |
PSO | peace support operations (NATO); post security officer |
PSS | personnel services support |
PSS-SOF | Precision Strike Suite-Special Operations Forces |
P-STATIC | precipitation static |
PSU | port security unit |
PSYOP | psychological operations (forces) |
PTDO | prepare to deploy order |
PTM | personnel transport module |
PTTI | precise time and time interval |
PUK | packup kit |
PV | prime vendor |
PVNTMED | preventive medicine |
PVT | positioning, velocity, and timing |
PWCS | port, waterways, and coastal security |
PWG | protection working group |
PWRM | pre-positioned war reserve materiel |
PWRR | pre-positioned war reserve requirements |
PWRS | petroleum war reserve stocks; pre-positioned war reserve stock |
PWS | performance work statement |
PWT | precision weapons team |
Q | |
QA | quality assurance |
QAR | quality assurance representative |
QAT | quality assurance team |
QC | quality control |
QDR | quadrennial defense review |
QHDA | qualified hazardous duty area |
QIP | quick impact project |
QM | quartermaster |
QOL | quality of life |
QRF | quick reaction force; quick response force |
QRP | quick response posture |
QS | quality surveillance |
QSTAG | quadripartite standardization agreement |
QUADCON | quadruple container |
R | |
R&D | research and development |
R&R | rest and recuperation |
R&S | reconstruction and stabilization |
R2P2 | rapid response planning process |
RA | response action; risk analysis; risk assessment |
RAC-OT | readiness assessment system - output tool |
RAD | routine aerial distribution |
RADBN | radio battalion |
RADC | regional air defense commander |
RADCON | radiological control team |
RAF | Royal Air Force (UK) |
RAM | raised angle marker; random antiterrorism measure; rockets, artillery, and mortars |
RAMCC | regional air movement control center |
RAP | Radiological Assistance Program (DOE) |
RAS-OT | readiness assessment system-output tool |
RATE | refine, adapt, terminate, execute |
RBA | reimbursable budget authority |
RBC | red blood cell |
RC | Reserve Component; resident coordinator (UN) |
RCA | riot control agent |
RCC | regional contracting center; rescue coordination center |
RCD | regional collection detachment |
RCEM | regional contingency engineering management |
RCIED | radio-controlled improvised explosive device |
RCM | Rules for Courts-Martial |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
RCO | regional contracting office |
RCT | regimental combat team; rescue coordination team (USN) |
RDCFP | Regional Defense Counterterrorism Fellowship Program |
RDCTFP | Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program |
RDD | radiological dispersal device |
RDO | request for deployment order |
RDT&E | research, development, test, and evaluation |
REA | Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment |
REAC/TS | radiation emergency assistance center/training site (DOE) |
RED | radiological exposure device |
RED HORSE | rapid engineer deployable heavy operational repair squadron engineer |
REF | Rapid Equipping Force (USA) |
REPOL | bulk petroleum contingency report |
REPUNIT | reporting unit |
RES | radiation exposure status |
RESCAP | rescue combat air patrol |
RESCORT | rescue escort |
RESPROD | responsible production |
RF | radio frequency; reserve force |
RFA | request for assistance; restrictive fire area |
RFC | request for capabilities; revision final coordination |
RF CM | radio frequency countermeasures |
RFD | revision first draft |
RFF | request for feedback; request for forces |
RFI | radio frequency interference; request for information |
RFID | radio frequency identification |
RFL | restrictive fire line |
RFP | request for proposal |
RFS | request for service; request for sourcing; request for support |
RGS | remote geospatial intelligence services |
Rh | Rhesus |
Rh(D) | Rhesus (D antigen) |
RHIB | rigid hull inflatable boat |
RICO | regional interface control officer |
RIK | replacement in kind |
RLT | regimental landing team |
RM | ramp module; recovery mechanism; resource management; risk management |
RMC | rescue mission commander |
RMP | religious ministry professional |
RMT | response management team |
RNIFC | Regional Narcotics Interagency Fusion Cell (USCENTCOM) |
ROC | rehearsal of concept |
ROE | rules of engagement |
ROICC | resident officer in charge of construction |
ROK | Republic of Korea |
ROM | restriction of movement; rough order of magnitude |
ROMO | range of military operations |
RON | remain overnight |
RO/RO | roll-on/roll-off |
ROS | reduced operating status |
ROTC | Reserve Officer Training Corps |
ROWPU | reverse osmosis water purification unit |
ROZ | restricted operations zone |
RP | religious program specialist; retained personnel |
RPG | rocket propelled grenade |
RPM | revolutions per minute |
RPO | rendezvous and proximity operations |
RPOE | rapid port opening element |
RQT | rapid query tool |
RR | reattack recommendation |
RRCC | regional response coordination center |
RRDF | roll-on/roll-off discharge facility |
RRF | rapid response force; Ready Reserve Force |
RRS | remote replication system |
RS | religious support |
RSC | regional service center; rescue sub-center |
RSE | retrograde support element |
RSF | recovery support function |
RSI | rationalization, standardization, and interoperability |
RSN | role specialist nation |
RSO | reception, staging, and onward movement; regional security officer; remote split operations |
RSOI | reception, staging, onward movement, and integration |
RSS | really simple syndication |
RSSC | regional space support center |
RSSC-LO | regional space support center liaison officer |
RST | religious support team |
RSTA | reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition |
RT | recovery team; rough terrain |
RTB | return to base |
RTCC | rough terrain container crane |
RTCH | rough terrain container handler |
RTD | returned to duty |
RTF | return to force |
RTL | restricted target list |
RUF | rules for the use of force |
RV | rendezvous |
RW | rotary-wing |
RWR | radar warning receiver |
S | |
618 AOC (TACC) | 618th Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center) |
S&R | search and recovery |
S&T | science and technology; scientific and technical |
S&TI | scientific and technical intelligence |
S-1 | battalion or brigade manpower and personnel staff officer; personnel officer/personnel office (USMC) |
S-2 | battalion or brigade intelligence staff officer (USA); intelligence officer/intelligence office (USMC) |
S-3 | battalion or brigade operations staff officer (USA); operations and training officer/operations and training office (USMC) |
SA | security assistance; situational awareness; staging area |
SAA | senior airfield authority |
SAAFR | standard use Army aircraft flight route |
SAAM | special assignment airlift mission |
SAC | special actions cell; supporting arms coordinator |
SACC | supporting arms coordination center (USMC) |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (NATO) |
SACT | Supreme Allied Commander Transformation |
SADC | sector air defense commander |
SADL | situation awareness data link |
SADO | senior air defense officer |
SAFE | secure analyst file environment; selected area for evasion; sexual assault forensic examination |
SAG | surface action group |
SALM | single-anchor leg mooring |
SALT | supporting arms liaison team |
SAM | surface-to-air missile |
SAO | security assistance office; security assistance officer |
SAP | special access program |
SAPO | subarea petroleum office |
SAPR | sexual assault prevention and response |
SAR | satellite access request; search and rescue; special access requirement; suspicious activity report; synthetic aperture radar |
SARC | sexual assault response coordinator |
SARDOT | search and rescue point |
SARIR | search and rescue incident report |
SAROPS | Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System |
SARREQ | search and rescue request |
SARSAT | search and rescue satellite-aided tracking |
SARSIT | search and rescue situation summary report |
SATCOM | satellite communications |
SAWG | strategic assessment working group |
SBACP | Southern Border and Approaches Campaign Plan (DHS) |
SBCT | Stryker brigade combat team |
SBU | sensitive but unclassified |
SC | security cooperation |
SCA | sociocultural analysis; space coordinating authority; support to civil administration |
SCAR | strike coordination and reconnaissance |
SCC | service cryptologic component; Service cyberspace component; shipping coordination center |
SCC-WMD | United States Strategic Command Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction |
SCF(US) | Save the Children Federation (United States) |
SCG | Security Cooperation Guidance |
SCHBT | shape, clear, hold, build, and transition |
SCI | sensitive compartmented information |
SCIF | sensitive compartmented information facility |
SCL | standard conventional load |
SCM | security countermeasure; Service container manager |
SCO | secondary control officer; security cooperation organization; senior contracting official; state coordinating officer |
SCP | security cooperation plan; service control point |
S/CRS | Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (DOS) |
SCT | shipping coordination team |
S/CT | Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (DOS) |
SD | severe damage; strategy division |
SDA | senior development advisor |
SDB | Satellite Communications Database; small diameter bomb |
SDDC | Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command |
SDDCTEA | Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency |
SDF | self defense force |
SDO | senior defense official; ships debarkation officer |
SDOB | Secretary of Defense Orders Book |
SDO/DATT | senior defense official/defense attaché |
SDP | strategic distribution platform |
SDZ | self-defense zone |
SE | site exploitation; spherical error |
SEA | ships bunkers easy acquisition; Southeast Asia |
Seabee | Navy construction engineer |
SEAD | suppression of enemy air defenses |
SEC | submarine element coordinator |
SECAF | Secretary of the Air Force |
SECARMY | Secretary of the Army |
SecDef | Secretary of Defense |
SECDHS | Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security |
SECHS | Secretary of Homeland Security |
SECNAV | Secretary of the Navy |
SECNAVINST | Secretary of the Navy instruction |
SECOMP | secure en route communications package |
SECSTATE | Secretary of State |
SECTRANS | Secretary of Transportation |
SEF | sealift enhancement feature |
SEL | senior enlisted leader |
SELEC | Southeast European Law Enforcement Center |
SEMA | special electronic mission aircraft |
SEPLO | state emergency preparedness liaison officer |
SERE | survival, evasion, resistance, and escape |
SES | senior executive service |
SEW | shared early warning |
SEWOC | signals intelligence/electronic warfare operations centre (NATO) |
SF | special forces; standard form |
SFA | security force assistance |
SFAF | standard frequency action format |
SFAT | spectrum flyaway team |
SFC | single-fuel concept |
SFCP | shore fire control party |
SFG | special forces group |
SFMS | special forces medical sergeant |
SFOR | Stabilization Force |
SG | steering group; surgeon general |
SGS | strategic guidance statement |
SGXM | Headquarters, Air Mobility Command/Surgeon |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe |
SHF | super-high frequency |
SHORAD | short-range air defense |
SHORADEZ | short-range air defense engagement zone |
SI | United States Strategic Command strategic instruction |
SIC | supporting intelligence center |
SICO | sector interface control officer |
SIDO | senior intelligence duty officer |
SIF | selective identification feature |
SIGCON | signature control |
SIGINT | signals intelligence |
SIM | system impact message |
SIMLM | single integrated medical logistics manager |
SINCGARS | single-channel ground and airborne radio system |
SIO | senior intelligence officer |
SIOC | Strategic Information and Operations Center (FBI) |
SIPRNET | SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network |
SIR | specific information requirement; Strategic Military Intelligence Review |
SITREP | situation report |
SIV | special interest vessel |
SJA | staff judge advocate |
SJFHQ(CE) | standing joint force headquarters (core element) |
SJFHQ-E | standing joint force headquarters elimination |
SJOA | space joint operating area |
SJS | Secretary, Joint Staff |
SLA | special leave accrual |
SLBM | submarine-launched ballistic missile |
SLCM | sea-launched cruise missile |
SLCP | ship lighterage control point; ships loading characteristics pamphlet |
SLO | space liaison officer |
SLOC | sea line of communications |
SLRP | survey, liaison, and reconnaissance party |
SLS | shoot-look-shoot |
SLWT | side loadable warping tug |
SM | spectrum management; standard missile |
SMB | spectrum management branch |
SMC | search and rescue mission coordinator |
SMCA | single manager for conventional ammunition |
SMCM | surface mine countermeasures |
SME | subject matter expert |
SMO | senior meteorological and oceanographic officer; strategic mobility office(r) |
SMRC | Specialized Medical Response Capabilities |
SMS | Single Mobility System |
SMU | special mission unit |
SMWDC | Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center |
SN | serial number |
SNA | social network analysis |
SNCO | staff noncommissioned officer |
SNF | strategic nuclear forces |
SOA | special operations aviation (USA); sustained operations ashore |
SOAGS | special operations air-ground system |
SO-ATP | special operations-advanced tactical practitioner |
SOC | special operations commander |
SOCCE | special operations command and control element |
SOCCET | special operations critical care evacuation team |
SOC-FWD | special operations command-forward |
SOCM | special operations combat medic |
SOCNORTH | United States Special Operations Command, North |
SOCPAC | Special Operations Command Pacific |
SOD | special operations division |
SOE | special operations executive |
SOF | special operations forces |
SOFA | status-of-forces agreement |
SOF-CF | special operations forces-conventional forces |
SOFLE | special operations forces liaison element |
SOG | special operations group |
SOI | signal operating instructions |
SOIC | senior officer of the intelligence community |
SOJTF | special operations joint task force |
SOLE | special operations liaison element |
SOLO | special operations liaison officer |
SOM | structured observation management |
SOMA | status-of-mission agreement |
SOMARDS | Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and Development System |
SOMARDS NT | Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and Development System Non-Technical |
SOP | standard operating procedure |
SORTIEALOT | sortie allotment message |
SORTS | Status of Resources and Training System |
SOSB | special operations support battalion |
SOST | special operations support team |
SOTA | signals intelligence operational tasking authority |
SOTF | special operations task force |
SOW | special operations wing; standoff weapon; statement of work |
SP | security police |
SPE | senior procurement executive |
SPECAT | special category |
SPG | Strategic Planning Guidance |
SPI | sensor point of interest; special investigative (USAF) |
SPINS | special instructions |
SPM | service postal manager; single port manager |
SPMAGTF | special purpose Marine air-ground task force |
SPOD | seaport of debarkation |
SPOE | seaport of embarkation |
SPOT | Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker |
SPOTREP | spot report |
SPP | Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America; State Partnership Program |
SR | special reconnaissance |
SRBM | short-range ballistic missile |
SRG | Seabee readiness group |
SRM | sustainment, restoration, and modernization |
SROE | standing rules of engagement |
SRR | search and rescue region |
SRSG | special representative of the Secretary-General |
SRUF | standing rules for the use of force |
SS | steamship |
SSA | security sector assistance; software support activity; space situational awareness; special support activity (NSA); supply support activity |
SSB | single side band |
SSC | small scale contingency; special security center |
SSCO | shippers service control office |
SSE | space support element |
SSI | standing signal instruction |
SSM | surface-to-surface missile |
SSN | Social Security number |
SSO | special security office(r) |
SSPM | single-service postal manager |
SSR | security sector reform |
SSS | Selective Service System |
SST | special support team (National Security Agency) |
SSTR | stability, security, transition, and reconstruction |
SSWG | space support working group |
ST | short ton; strike team |
STANAG | standardization agreement (NATO) |
STAR | sensitive target approval and review |
STARS | Standard Accounting and Reporting System |
START | Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty |
S-Team | staff augmentation team |
STEP | standardized tactical entry point |
STO | special technical operations |
STOL | short takeoff and landing |
STON | short ton |
STS | special tactics squadron |
STT | special tactics team |
STU | secure telephone unit |
STW | strike warfare |
STWC | strike warfare commander |
SUBOPAUTH | submarine operating authority |
SUPP | supplement |
SUPPO | supply officer |
SUROBS | surf observation |
SUST BDE | sustainment brigade |
SUW | surface warfare |
SUWC | surface warfare commander |
SVC | stored value card |
SW | shallow water |
SWO | staff weather officer |
SWPC | Space Weather Prediction Center |
SYG | Secretary-General (UN) |
SYSCOM | systems command |
SZ | surf zone |
T | |
2-D | two-dimensional |
2E | Role 2 enhanced |
2LM | Role 2 light maneuver |
2X | counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element |
3-D | three-dimensional |
T&E | test and evaluation |
T2 | technology transfer |
TA | target acquisition; target audience; technical arrangement; theater Army; threat assessment |
TAA | tactical assembly area; target audience analysis |
TAACOM | theater Army area command |
TAAMDCOORD | theater Army air and missile defense coordinator |
TAC | terminal attack control |
TAC(A) | tactical air coordinator (airborne) |
TACAIR | tactical air |
TACAN | tactical air navigation |
TACC | tanker airlift control center |
TAC-D | tactical deception |
TACLOG | tactical-logistical |
TACO | theater allied contracting office |
TACON | tactical control |
TACOPDAT | tactical operational data |
TACP | tactical air control party |
TACRON | tactical air control squadron |
T-ACS | auxiliary crane ship |
TACS | tactical air control system; theater air control system |
TACSAT | tactical satellite |
TACT | tactical aviation control team |
TAD | tactical air direction; temporary additional duty (non-unit- related personnel); theater air defense |
TADC | tactical air direction center |
TAF | tactical air force |
TAFT | technical assistance field team |
TAG | technical assistance group; the adjutant general |
TAGS | theater air-ground system |
T-AH | hospital ship |
TAI | target area of interest |
T-AKR | fast logistics ship |
TAMP | Transitional Assistance Management Program |
TAO | tactical air officer |
TAOC | tactical air operations center (USMC) |
TAR | tactical air request |
TARWI | target weather and intelligence |
TASKORD | tasking order |
TASWC | theater antisubmarine warfare commander |
TAT | tactical analysis team; technical assistance team |
TATC | tactical air traffic control |
T-AVB | aviation logistics support ship |
TBC | theater business clearance |
TBM | theater ballistic missile |
TBMCS | theater battle management core system |
TBMD | theater ballistic missile defense |
TB MED | technical bulletin medical |
TB(X) | transportation brigade (expeditionary) |
TC | training circular |
TCA | traditional combatant commander activity |
TC-AIMS II | Transportation Coordinators Automated Information for Movement System II |
TCC | transportation component command; troop contributing country |
TCCC | tactical combat casualty care |
TCCET | tactical critical care evacuation team |
TCCT | tactical critical care transport |
TCEM | theater contingency engineering management |
TCF | tactical combat force |
TCM | theater construction manager; theater container manager |
TCMD | transportation control and movement document |
TCN | third country national; transportation control number |
TCO | termination contracting officer; transnational criminal organization |
TCPED | tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination |
TCS | theater communications system |
TCSG | United States Transportation Command, Office of the Command Surgeon |
TCSP | theater consolidation and shipping point |
TD | theater distribution; tie down |
TDC | target development cell |
TDCP | theater distribution campaign plan |
TDD | time-definite delivery |
TDF | theater detention facility |
TDL | tactical data link |
TDN | tactical data network; target development nomination |
TDP | theater distribution plan |
TDRC | theater detainee reporting center |
TDY | temporary duty |
TEA | Transportation Engineering Agency |
TEC | theater engineer command |
TECHCON | technical control |
TECHELINT | technical electronic intelligence |
TECHINT | technical intelligence |
TEDAC | Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (FBI) |
TEL | transporter-erector-launcher |
TEMPER | tent extendible modular personnel |
TENCAP | tactical exploitation of national capabilities program |
TEO | team embarkation officer |
TEP | theater engagement plan |
TERCOM | terrain contour matching |
TET | targeting effects team |
TETK | TeleEngineering Toolkit |
TEU | technical escort unit; twenty-foot equivalent unit |
TEWLS | Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System |
TF | task force |
TFC | threat finance cell |
TFCICA | task force counterintelligence coordinating authority |
TFE | tactical field exchange; threat finance exploitation |
TFF | total force fitness |
TFI | threat finance intelligence |
TFMS-M | Transportation Financial Management System-Military |
TG | task group; technical guide |
TGM | terminally guided munitions |
TGO | terminal guidance operations |
THAAD | Terminal High Altitude Area Defense |
THOC | theater head of contracting |
THT | tactical human intelligence team |
THX | theater express |
TI | threat identification |
TIA | theater intelligence assessment |
TIB | theater intelligence brigade; toxic industrial biological |
TIC | target information center; toxic industrial chemical |
TIDE | Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment |
TIM | toxic industrial material |
TIO | target intelligence officer |
TIP | target intelligence package; trafficking in persons |
TIR | toxic industrial radiological |
TJAG | the judge advocate general |
T-JTB | theater-joint transportation board |
TLA | theater logistics analysis |
TLAM | Tomahawk land-attack missile |
TLAMM | theater lead agent for medical materiel |
TLE | target location error |
TLM | target list management; topographic line map |
TLO | theater logistics overview |
TM | target materials; technical manual |
TMAO | theater mortuary affairs office; theater mortuary affairs officer |
TMD | theater missile defense |
TMEP | theater mortuary evacuation point |
TMIP | theater medical information program |
TMM | transregional, multi-domain, and multifunctional |
TMO | traffic management office; transportation management office |
T/M/S | type, model, and/or series |
TMT | time-phased force and deployment data management tool |
TNCC | theater network operations control center |
TNL | target nomination list |
TO | technical order; theater of operations |
TO&E | table of organization and equipment |
TOA | table of allowance; transfer of authority |
TOC | tactical operations center; transnational organized crime |
TOD | tactical ocean data |
TOF | time of flight |
TOI | track of interest |
TOPINT | technical operational intelligence |
TOR | term of reference |
TOS | time on station |
TOT | time on target |
TP | transportation priority |
TPE | theater provided equipment |
TPED | tasking, processing, exploitation, and dissemination; theater personal effects depot |
TPFDD | time-phased force and deployment data |
TPFDL | time-phased force and deployment list |
TPMRC | United States Transportation Command patient movement requirements center |
TPP | theater posture plan |
TPT | tactical petroleum terminal |
TQ | tactical questioning |
TRA | technical review authority |
TRAC2ES | United States Transportation Command Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System |
TRADOC | United States Army Training and Doctrine Command |
Trans BDE | transportation brigade |
Trans Det RPO | transportation detachment rapid port opening |
TRANSEC | transmission security |
TRAP | tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (USMC); tactical related applications |
TRIADS | Tri-Wall Aerial Distribution System |
TRICON | triple container |
TRO | training and readiness oversight |
TROPO | tropospheric scatter |
TRP | target reference point |
TS | time-sensitive; top secret |
TSA | target system analysis; Transportation Security Administration (DHS) |
TSC | theater security cooperation; theater support command; theater sustainment command (USA) |
TSCIF | temporary sensitive compartmented information facility |
TSCM | technical surveillance countermeasures |
TSCP | theater security cooperation plan |
TSOC | tactical special operations command; theater special operations command |
TSS | target sensing system |
TSSA | transitional security sector assistance |
TST | terminal support team; time-sensitive target |
TSWA | temporary secure working area |
TT&C | telemetry, tracking, and commanding |
TTAB | Technical Training Acceptance Board |
TTAN | transportation tracking account number |
TTD | tactical terrain data |
TTL | tagging, tracking, and locating |
TTN | transportation tracking number |
TTP | tactics, techniques, and procedures; trailer transfer point |
TTT | time to target |
TTU | transportation terminal unit |
TU | task unit |
TUCHA | type unit characteristics file |
TV | television |
TW&A | threat warning and assessment |
TWCF | Transportation Working Capital Fund |
TWDS | tactical water distribution system |
TYCOM | type commander |
U | |
UA | unmanned aircraft |
UAR | unconventional assisted recovery |
UARCC | unconventional assisted recovery coordination cell |
UAS | unmanned aircraft system |
UAV | unmanned aerial vehicle |
UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military Justice |
UCP | Unified Command Plan |
UCT | underwater construction team |
UDL | unit deployment list |
UEWR | upgraded early warning radar |
UFAC | Underground Facilities Analysis Center |
UFC | Unified Facilities Criteria |
UFO | ultrahigh frequency follow-on |
UGA | ungoverned area |
UGIRH | Urban Generic Information Requirements Handbook |
UGO | unified geospatial-intelligence operations |
UHF | ultrahigh frequency |
UIC | unit identification code |
UJTL | Universal Joint Task List |
UK | United Kingdom |
ULN | unit line number |
ULSD | ultra-low sulfur diesel |
UMCM | underwater mine countermeasures |
UMD | unit movement data |
UMMIPS | Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System |
UMO | unit movement officer |
UMS | unmanned system |
UN | United Nations |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UN CMCoord | United Nations humanitarian civil-military coordination |
UNCT | United Nations country team |
UND | urgency of need designator |
UNDAC | United Nations disaster assessment and coordination |
UNDFS | United Nations Department of Field Support |
UN-DMT | United Nations disaster management team |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNDPKO | United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations |
UNEP | United Nations environment programme |
UNHAS | United Nations Humanitarian Air Service |
UNHCHR | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UNHQ | United Nations Headquarters |
UNICEF | United Nations Childrens Fund |
UNITAF | unified task force |
UNMEM | United Nations military expert on mission |
UNO | unit number |
UNOCHA | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs |
UNODC | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
UNOSOM | United Nations Operations in Somalia |
UNPA | United Nations Participation Act |
UNPROFOR | United Nations protection force |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council |
UNSCR | United Nations Security Council resolution |
UNSG | United Nations Secretary-General |
UON | urgent operational need |
UP&TT | unit personnel and tonnage table |
URL | uniform resource locater |
URN | unit reference number |
US&R | urban search and rescue |
USA | United States Army |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USACFSC | United States Army Community and Family Support Center |
USACHPPM | United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine |
USACIDC | United States Army Criminal Investigation Command |
USAEDS | United States Atomic Energy Detection System |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFE | United States Air Forces in Europe |
USAFR | United States Air Force Reserve |
USAFRICOM | United States Africa Command |
USAFSOS | United States Air Force Special Operations School |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
USAMC | United States Army Materiel Command |
USAMMA | United States Army Medical Materiel Agency |
USAMRICD | United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense |
USAMRIID | United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases |
USAMRMC | United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command |
USAPHC | United States Army Public Health Center |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USARCENT | United States Army, Central Command |
USARDECOM | United States Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command |
USAREUR | United States Army, European Command |
USARNORTH | United States Army, North |
USARPAC | United States Army, Pacific Command |
USARSO | United States Army, Southern Command |
USASMDC/ARSTRAT | United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command |
USASOC | United States Army Special Operations Command |
US BICES | United States Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System |
US BICES-X | United States Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System Extended |
USC | United States Code; universal service contract |
USCENTCOM | United States Central Command |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USCGR | United States Coast Guard Reserve |
USCIS | United States Citizenship and Immigration Services |
USCS | United States Cryptologic System |
USCYBERCOM | United States Cyber Command |
USD(A&S) | Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USDAO | United States defense attaché office |
USD(C) | Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) |
USD(I) | Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence |
USD(P) | Under Secretary of Defense for Policy |
USD(P&R) | Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness |
USELEMNORAD | United States Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command |
USERID | user identification |
USERRA | Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act |
USEUCOM | United States European Command |
USFF | United States Fleet Forces Command |
USFK | United States Forces, Korea |
USG | Under-Secretary-General; United States Government |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
USINDOPACOM | United States Indo-Pacific Command |
USIP | United States Institute of Peace |
USLO | United States liaison office |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCR | United States Marine Corps Reserve |
USMILGP | United States military group |
USML | United States Munitions List |
USMOG | United States Military Observer Group |
USMOG-W | United States Military Observer Group - Washington |
USMS | United States Marshals Service |
USMTF | United States message text format |
USN | United States Navy |
USNAVSO | US Naval Forces Southern Command |
USNMR | United States national military representative |
USNO | United States Naval Observatory |
USNORTHCOM | United States Northern Command |
USNR | United States Navy Reserve |
USNS | United States Naval Ship |
USPHS | United States Public Health Service (DHHS) |
USPS | United States Postal Service |
USSOCOM | United States Special Operations Command |
USSOUTHCOM | United States Southern Command |
USSS | United States Secret Service (DHS) |
USSTRATCOM | United States Strategic Command |
USTRANSCOM | United States Transportation Command |
USUN | United States Mission to the United Nations |
USW | undersea warfare |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time; unit type code |
UTM | universal transverse mercator |
UTO | unit table of organization |
UUV | unmanned underwater vehicle; unmanned underwater vessel |
UW | unconventional warfare |
UXO | unexploded explosive ordnance; unexploded ordnance |
V | |
VA | Department of Veterans Affairs; victim advocate; vulnerability assessment |
VAAP | vulnerability assessment and assistance program |
VBIED | vehicle-borne improvised explosive device |
VBSS | visit, board, search, and seizure |
VCJCS | Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
VDL | video downlink |
VE | vertical error; violent extremism |
VEE | Venezuelan equine encephalitis |
VEO | violent extremist organization |
VERTREP | vertical replenishment |
VFR | visual flight rules |
VFS | validating flight surgeon |
VHF | very high frequency |
VI | visual information |
VID | visual identification |
VIP | very important person |
VIPPSA | very important personnel protection support activity |
VIRIN | visual information record identification number |
VIRS | verbally initiated release system |
VISA | Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement |
VISION ID | visual information professional identifier |
VLF | very low frequency |
VMap | vector map |
VMAQ | Marine tactical electronic warfare squadron |
VMC | visual meteorological conditions |
VMF | variable message format |
VMI | vendor managed inventory |
VOD | vertical onboard delivery |
VPV | virtual prime vendor |
VS&PT | vehicle summary and priority table |
VSW | very shallow water |
VTA | voluntary tanker agreement |
VTC | video teleconferencing |
VTOL | vertical takeoff and landing |
VTOL-UAS | vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aircraft system |
W | |
WADS | Western Air Defense Sector |
WAI | weather area of interest |
WAN | wide-area network |
WANGO | World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations |
WARM | wartime reserve mode |
WARNORD | warning order |
WARP | web-based access and retrieval portal |
WAS | wide area surveillance |
WASP | war air service program |
WB | wideband |
WBGTI | wet bulb globe temperature index |
WBIED | waterborne improvised explosive device |
WCE | weapons of mass destruction coordination element |
WCO | World Customs Organization |
WCS | weapons control status |
WDCO | well deck control officer |
Web SM | Web Scheduling and Movement |
WETM | weather team |
WEU | Western European Union |
WEZ | weapon engagement zone |
WFP | World Food Programme (UN) |
WG | working group |
WGS | Wideband Global Satellite Communications |
WGS 84 | World Geodetic System 1984 |
WHNS | wartime host-nation support |
WHO | World Health Organization (UN) |
WIA | wounded in action |
WIF | Wales Initiative Fund |
WIT | weapons intelligence team |
WLG | Washington Liaison Group |
WMD | weapons of mass destruction |
WMD-CST | weapons of mass destruction-civil support team |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WMP | Air Force War and Mobilization Plan |
WOC | wing operations center (USAF) |
WOD | wind-over deck |
WOT | war on terrorism |
WP | white phosphorous; working party |
WPB | Coast Guard patrol boat |
WPR | War Powers Resolution |
WRA | Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (DOS); weapons release authority |
WRAIR | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research |
WRM | war reserve materiel |
WRS | war reserve stock |
WRSA | war reserve stocks for allies |
WS | weather squadron |
WSESRB | Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board |
WSM | waterspace management |
WSR | weapon system reliability |
WSV | weapons system video |
WT | warping tug |
WTI | weapons technical intelligence |
WWII | World War II |
WWX | worldwide express |
WX | weather |
X | |
XCDS | extracted container delivery system |
XCVR | transceiver |
XMPP | extensible messaging and presence protocol |
XO | executive officer |
Y | |
YR | year |
Z | |
ZF | zone of fire |
ZULU | time zone indicator for Universal Time |